関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻











2つ目は、目には見えない心の動きや考え方の変化を、日記を通して捉えることができるという点です。例えば高校時代の私の日記には、今見ると笑ってしまうくらい自分を卑下するネガティブな言葉が羅列されていました(笑) しかし大学入学以降に書いた日記には比較的そういった言葉は少なく、より前向きでシンプルな言葉が並ぶようになりました。その変化の過程にあった心の動きを、日記は示してくれます。感情を記録することで、時にポジティブな心の変化が見えた時、それはほんの1ミリでも自分が成長していると思えるきっかけになります。自己肯定感をあげるツールとしても、日記は役に立つのではないでしょうか。







Hello, everyone!

Thank you for always reading our blog.

My name is Ayuka Inoue, a third-year student in Konishi seminar.


This is quite sudden, but do you keep a diary?

Ever since I was in the first year of high school, I have been keeping a diary almost every day. Although I am the kind of person who gets bored easily, keeping a diary is the only thing that I have been doing for a long time. The reason I keep a diary is because I believe it is the best way for me to maintain my positive mental health. This time, I would like to introduce two benefits of keeping a diary.


Firstly, I can collect my thoughts and finish the day without feeling gloomy. I usually write a diary before I sleep, and it avoids me having negative emotions the next day. As I said in my self-introduction, I was kind of a person who always dwells on the past. The negative emotion that comes from one failure spreads into my heart, and it eventually makes me feel depressed. However, writing down my emotions in a diary helps me come to terms with my feelings and end the day healthier both physically and mentally. Keeping a diary is now one of my best ways of destressing.


Secondly, I can grasp invisible changes in my mind and way of thinking through keeping a diary. For example, in my diaries that were written by me in high school days, there were so many negative words that belittle myself. I can laugh at it now because in those diaries I wrote after entering university, there are more positive words and expressions instead of such negative words. A diary always shows changes of mind. By keeping a diary and when I am sometimes able to see positive changes in my mind, it will be an opportunity to tell myself that I have grown even just a little. I think a diary can also help to raise self-esteem. 


More than anything, I think that keeping a diary and recording my emotions moment to moment will be a good memory when I am looking back on that time. When I sometimes reread a diary, it always makes me realize that both the sweet and the bitter experience made me who I am now.  It is enough even if there is just a word. Give it a try!


Thank you for reading to the end!






