関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻

Key thought on my life's journey



昨年、あるご縁で「サティシュの学校 — みんな、特別なアーティスト」という映画に出会い、タイトルにあるサティシュ・クマール氏の存在を知りました。イギリスのエコロジー思想家であるインド出身のサティシュさんは、ジャイナ教マハトマ・ガンジーの非暴力思想を大切にされており、核兵器廃絶の平和巡礼を無銭徒歩で13,000キロ成し遂げたり、「リサージェンス&エコロジスト」という雑誌の編集長を40年以上も務められた方で、”サティシュの学校”とあるように、イギリスで国際的教育機関シューマッハカレッジ」を設立された人物です。







Hello everyone. I am Shiori Kimura, a fourth-year student.  Thank you for reading this blog.

For my last blog as a seminar student, I would like to share what remains in my heart from my school days.

 Last year,  I watched the movie "Sathish's School - All Special Artists". And I knew about Mr. Satish Kumar through the movie. A British ecological thinker from India, Satish values ​​the non-violent ideas of Jainism and Mahatma Gandhi. He was the editor of a magazine called “Resurgence and Ecologist” for more than 40 years and one of person who established 
"Schumacher College".

 When I saw the movie, I was attracted to his ideas and the university. I impulsively sent an email which is about the movie to the school. After that, miraculously, I decided to go to England for some reasons. However I couldn’t do that because of some reasons.

 So, I can't write about my experience at Schumacher College on this blog, but I would like to share a little bit of Satish's thoughts that I was attracted to in the movie…

・Education is not about cramming something in, but drawing something out of each person.
・The reason for learning is for self-discovery, not for getting a job
 ・An artist is not a special person, everyone is a special artist

I live by the idea that everything that happens has meaning and that we are always at our best.  I trust my life that it's for the best, even in situations that make me want to say, "Why is this happening?!". Even if I didn't think "It’s okay" at the time, I've had a lot of experiences that will make me think, "That was good, that was best." someday.

 When I gave up on visiting Schumacher College, I was quite disappointed Because I thought "If I miss this timing, I might not have another chance to go there."  But I think it was the best thing for me at the time. Looking back on it now, it was the time that I was searching for my own happiness, and Mr. Satish's ideas gave me strength. It was a movie that taught me to value individuality and my thoughts.

 I wasn't able to go to Schumacher College this time, but I think the "time" will come if there is a wonderful connection.  Until then, I would like to enjoy the journey of life according to my intuition.







