関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻

2つの心掛け / What i always keep in my mind

いよいよ今年度最後の筆者となりました、トリを務めさせていただくのは周大晃(チュウ テファン)でございます。

Good day! everyone.
I really appreciate everyone who read the Konishi seminar’s blog so far.
I’m Daehwang Joo, a 4th-year student of the Konishi seminar, and who is the last writer. It’s my pleasure to be the final writer of the essay series.

In this essay, I would like to describe and share two tips which I always keep in my mind when I interact with people that I learned throughout the seminar activity and my daily life.
The first is imagination.
To start with the extreme, friends, teachers, childhood friends, and even family members are still strangers to us. That mind means that it is nearly impossible for us to convey to others exactly what we think and feel. And sometimes even we may lose sight of our own true feelings. Inparticular, during my exchange program last year, I spent much time with people from various backgrounds and keenly realized that what I feel and think is always just my own common sense, and I realized once again that I am a frog in a well. Always using my imagination toimagine how I would feel if I were in the other person's shoes on a daily basis will prevent miscommunication and will also help with anger management.
As the saying goes, "Even the friendliest of friends has manners," so I always would like to live our lives with “imagination”.
The second is ”to laugh often”.
As the saying goes, "laughter is a universal language," and it can lower the emotional hurdles that we unconsciously create when we meet new people, especially when we meet them for the first time. Among the people I have met, those who are able to open up to others in a short period of time have one thing in common: they laugh a lot. In fact, some research has shown that appropriate laughter and humor are effective in building relationships. In other words, it can be said that "laughing a lot" is a necessary element for building good human relations.
Each people have different points for laughing, but by looking into a wide variety of content and deepening your knowledge, you may be able to laugh more and get a new point of view.
These are two things I try to do on a regular basis.
They may be similar in that they both require a relaxed mind.
I hope to use my "imagination" even more and become an educated adult while maintaining a relaxed mind so that I can "laugh a lot.
See you again someday with a smile:)







