関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻















Hello, everyone. My name is Shumpei Uotani, the three grade Konishi Seminar student.


This time, I would like to write about the importance of imagination I learned through my experience of teaching. In this post, I will regard the word ‘imagination’ as a skill of being considerate of someone’s feelings.


Now, I mainly teach math and English to a student of third grade of junior high school student. Specifically, I review his class in his school and prepare for tests, and sometimes study for EIKEN together.

Before I had such an experience, I had considered teaching as explaining to supplement knowledge students had not known by making use of my knowledge. However, in fact, teaching is not simple, and the more complicated problems are, the more difficult it is to teach. When I puzzled over how to teach to be understood by my student, I realized that I was short of my imagination when I taught. For example, when I explained a complicated math problem, I sometimes felt that I prevented him from understanding because my speaking speed was getting faster. In this situation, imagination is useful. The way is to imagine I am in his shoes how fast I should explain problems that are difficult for him to understand easily. By making a habit of this thinking, I was able to explain at the speed that helps him to understand gradually.

In this way, even something as simple as the speaking speed, being conscious of using imagination can provide him with classes to deepen his understanding.


Perhaps some people think that they are conscious of using imagination naturally. However, come to think of it, I strongly think that imagination is required in many situations. When interacting with people, or telling something, for example, when writing a paper, making a presentation, or consoling someone, I am sure that imagination will be useful.

Although I am not confident about my imagination, I decided to develop my imagination through various experiences.


Thank you for reading!




