関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻

マレーシアに滞在して気付いた大事なこと / An important thing I realized after staying at Malaysia











派遣当初、私は初めての海外生活に凄く戸惑いました。日常会話が自分の全く知らないマレー語で行われ、会話に入っていけない。シャワーを浴びようとすると水しかでない。ヤモリが入りたい放題の家。気付いたら、ベッドに糞を落とされる… こんなところで5ヶ月間もやっていけるのかと不安に思いました。









Hello, everyone!


Thank you for always reading our blog.


My name is Kohana Terada, a third-year student at Konishi seminar.

The international contribution activity is a program at my university, where a student goes to developing countries and works there for five months. I participated in an environmental protection NGO in Malaysia. This NGO manages a vast natural park with mangrove forests, and I was working for the management of those. My job descriptions involved  mangrove planting and cleaning sites, assisting with environmental education events, and serving customers at the ticket counter.


At the beginning of my dispatch, I was very confused. Conversations between local people were conducted in Malay, and I could not join in the conversation. When I turned on the shower, only cold water came out. The house was full of geckos and they were dropping feces on my bed... I was worried about whether I could live five months in Malaysia.


One day, my boss called out to me, "Kohana! Why are you looking like that? Are you feeling unwell?" At the moment, I realized that my negative emotions had been overflowing. At this time, I had lost my aims of why I came here and what kind of person I wanted to be.


The reason I came here is to learn what skills are necessary to be active in the international society. Also, what kind of person I want to be is an attractive person like who is glad to have met me. I realized an important thing is now, not the future. I don’t have to care about the future too much.


From then on, no matter what negative emotions I have, I always think about how I want to be perceived by others, and I consider every word, action, and attitude at that moment. After that, I talked more with my boss and Malaysian friends. They taught me a lot about Malaysian culture, and helped me. On the day I returned home, my friend saw me off at the airport, and we cried as we said goodbye to each other.


From this experience, I thought about how I wanted to be perceived by others “now”. Also, I wanted to be an attractive person who could come up with nice words and attitudes.

Thank you for reading!



