関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻

2021年度 ゼミ生紹介⑪






初めまして、天立愛佑(あまだつ あゆ)と申します!我ながら、かなり珍しい苗字を持っているのですが、日本で約70人しかいないそうです!(唯一の自慢です笑)出身は、兵庫県川西市です。自然いっぱいな環境とたくさんの優しいご近所さんに囲まれて育ちました。また、川西市は歴史で登場する源氏と夏にぴったりな飲物、三ツ矢サイダーの発祥の地でもあります。そんな私の趣味は、絵を描く事と音楽を聴く事です。アルバイト先で、POPのイラストよく描いています。思うままに描くのではなく、どうしたらお客さんの購買欲を高められるのかという事を意識しながらデザインしています。そして、音楽に関してはKing Gnuさんの曲を常に聴いています。彼らがつくる音楽は全く違うレベルのものであり、歌詞における言葉の表現や透き通るボーカルの井口さんの声はとても心に響きます。是非、みなさんも聞いてみてくださいね!






Hello, everyone.

My name is Keita Iba, a 3rd grade in Konishi seminar.

Today, I would like to introduce members of 3rd grade of this year in Konishi seminar.



Hi guys!I‘m Ayu Amadatsu from Kawanishi city, Hyogo. Kawanishi is surrounded by mountain and a lot of nature. I feel great to have those and kind neighbors all the time. Also, my city is famous for having deep history which started from more than 2300 years ago and carbonated drink called “Mitsuya-cider”. This drink is loved from many people for long time.  By the way, my last name, “Amadatsu” is very rare that there are only about 70 people who have this last name in Japan! I think it’s kind of cool to have this name.

I spend most of my free time listening to variety of music and sketching. These are my favorite things to do and feel stress-free. Favorite artist of all is Japanese band called “King Gnu”. They named it like this because gnu is the most cool and unique animal for them. So simple, isn’t it? Their songs are always on different level and can’t listen without goosebumps. The lyrics, tone, and the voice are amazing. I strongly recommend listening to it right away.

Waiting for the comments!

Next is about my Zemi class. First of all, my goal in class is to acquire ability to verbalize what I’m thinking about and my feelings. I guess many people struggle how to express their thoughts in a word. I thought this is going to be my last chance to improve this skill until becoming a member of society. Through making presentations and doing discussions with the members, I want to make much opportunities to out put what I’ve learnt and explain it more clearly.

We zemi members are already start working on their thesis. So here, I would like to introduce little bit about my theme. I’m working on about “Vacant house” in Japan. This social problem is becoming serious every year. Surprisingly, 1 in 4 houses will be vacant in near future. Are there any vacant houses which been left for long years and about to collapse around your home? Those are called “Specific vacant house”. It is not just a vacant house. Not only spoiling the scenery, but also make it unsanitary too. I’m wondering if there are any solutions for the vacant house stage to prevent the number of buildings designated as the “specific vacant house”. It is said that this is due to the declining birthrate and aging population, but I think that the current housing tax and the law are also creating this situation. There are still many parts that are not organized yet, but I would like to do my best to complete it by reading many materials and books.

Hope you enjoyed reading my vlog! See you guys in next vlog!!





