関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻

2022年度 ゼミ生紹介⑥















座右の銘:Try Everything

 "Try Everything"という言葉は、私にとって非常に思い入れ深く大切な言葉です。この言葉に出会ったのは、高校時代に1年間留学をしていた時です。当時お世話になっていたホストファミリーが毎朝私に伝えてくれました。たった2単語ですが、この言葉には限界がなく挑戦を自らの手で作り出すことが出来る力があると思います。












Hello, everyone!


Thank you for always reading our blog.

My name is Ayuka Inoue, a third-year student who is in charge of blogging at Konishi seminar. 


This time, we would like to introduce a third-year seminar student of this year!



①Name:Riko Uesugi




③Hobbies:Take one picture a day, Travel to non-touristy places


④Motto:"Try Everything"

 "Try Everything" is a phrase that is very dear to my heart. I first encountered this phrase when I was studying abroad for a year in high school. My host family at the time told me to "Try Everything" every morning. It is only two words, but I believe that this word has the power to create challenges for oneself without limits.

 In the past, I used to make weak complaints such as "I can't do it," "I won't do it," and "It's impossible," and I would make up all kinds of excuses and miss my chances. Since I came across this word, I have established a volunteer circle when I studied abroad in high school, and I have tried online study abroad, PBL, and internships in college. Now I believe in my own potential and try to find a new me by looking at the opportunities in front of me!


⑤Goals thorough seminar

 My goal through the Konishi Seminar is to find a unique weapon that I can do and that only I can do, without forgetting to be myself. The Konishi Seminar provides an environment in which students can stimulate each other's interest in a wide range of issues that exist on a global scale. In addition, since there are many joint seminars with fourth-year students, students can acquire a variety of skills that lead to personal growth, such as presentation and communication skills. It is also a time to seriously face yourself because you have friends who continue to make efforts not only through university classes and seminars but also through a wide variety of activities. I have a habit of comparing myself with those around me, but first of all, I would like to enjoy the challenges in this environment and find what "I" am with independence and confidence!


⑥Research Topic

 I am interested in researching issues related to the spread of recurrent education (relearning) in Japan, based on changes in the working environment and career outlook in Japan. I realize that we are in an era of technological innovation such as VUCA and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, where people are considering new knowledge and skill acquisition, and more recently, career paths with an eye to changing jobs. I would like to analyze the reasons why relearning is lagging behind in Japan, and the issues that need to be addressed in the future, centering on changes in the Japanese-style employment system and the diversification of work styles. We would also like to investigate the gap between the Japanese government and corporate approaches to career paths and the perception of career paths in society by comparing them with systems implemented in other countries.


Thank you for reading to the end!



