関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻

私の原動力である"Try Everything"






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題名にある"Try Everything "は、高校留学時にホストファミリーが毎日言ってくれた言葉で、私にとってのモットーでもあります。


ここでは座右の銘である"Try Everything"が、私の大学生活においてどのような挑戦を導いてくれたのかお話ししたいと思います。 














”Try Everything"を原動力として、挑戦を乗り越えることが「楽しい」に変わる瞬間があると知っていたからこそ、達成できたの思います。



残り1年半の大学生活ですが、充実した将来への一歩になるよう、目の前のチャンスに目を向けて、私なりの"Try Everything"をもとに新しい自分を見つけ出していきたいと思います!



Hello, everyone!

Thank you for always visiting our blog.


I am Riko Uesugi, a third-year student in this seminar.


I realize that the way I spend my four years of college is extremely important to my future. Therefore, I am seriously considering my choices and want to make the most of my last student years.


Try Everything" in the title is a phrase that my host family said to me every day when I studied abroad in high school, and it is also my motto.

Like these words, I have been acting based on the idea of "try everything as much as I can," and I have come to realize that there are moments when overcoming challenges turns into "fun.

Here I would like to talk about how my motto, "Try Everything," has guided me through the challenges of my college life. 


In college, I have been conscious of willingly challenging myself to do things that only college students can do. During these three years of college, I have participated in "online" study abroad, PBL, and overseas internships.


Here I will write about the learnings I have gained from my online overseas internship experience.


One of the reasons I participated in this internship was because I wanted to actively challenge myself to do what I could without using the Corona as a reason.

I was in charge of the entire workshop from planning to production. In addition to my "first" internship, I was not only happy but also very anxious to be responsible for planning, managing, and publicizing something I had never done before. However, I believe that this challenge brought me new learning and experience.


First of all, I realized once again that nothing can start without acting spontaneously. I have always been very bad at relying on others, consulting with them, and communicating with them, but I realized that it is also important for the team to express their own opinions and concerns. Therefore, I made an effort to turn my weakness into a strength by proactively contacting the representative and other staff members to ask for advice and rely on them.

I also learned the importance of the ability to pursue goals. In conducting the workshop, especially the public relations part of recruiting participants was an opportunity for me to overcome my shortcomings in communication and action. I believe I was able to succeed because I was determined to make it a success and to meet the wishes of the staff, including the representative, without making any compromises.


Through this internship, I learned that overcoming various obstacles and acting spontaneously is the way to express "I".

I think I was able to accomplish this because I knew that there are moments when overcoming challenges turns into "fun," with "Try Everything" as the driving force.


In a positive sense, college students are free to make their own choices. What you do and what you can do are your own decisions, and I realize that if you don't decide for yourself, nothing will happen!


I have one and a half years left in my college life, and I hope that it will be a step toward a fulfilling future.

I will look at the opportunities in front of me and find a new me based on my own "Try Everything"!




