関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻

2022年度 ゼミ生紹介④










①名前:田中愛実(タナカ マナミ)






座右の銘:「何も咲かない寒い日は下へ下へと根を伸ばせ やがて大きな花が咲く」













Hello, everyone.


Thank you for always reading our blog.

My name is Ayuka Inoue, a third-year student who is in charge of blogging at Konishi seminar.


Today, we would like to introduce the third-year seminar student of this year!




① Name: Manami Tanaka


② Hometown: Hyogo prefecture


③ Hobby: Watching Japanese comedy


④ Motto: “In cold days when nothing blooms, spread your roots lower and lower. Then in time, a flower may blossom. “

  Do you have any experiences that you thought, “I made a great effort, but it didn’t pay off”, “All my hard work went to waste”? I have had such thoughts in my study, club activities and so on during my school life. “Why cannot I get rewarded for my efforts?” I feel very sad every time I think like that. At such times, these words encourage me. This motto says “Efforts do not always produce immediate results. Even if you don’t see results, if you persevere and keep trying, one day you will see great results”. I feel like giving up when I try hard and get no results. However, I believe that a truly successful person is one who can make steady efforts even under severe circumstances. I believe that there is an experience of success that can only be gained by those who overcome great obstacles. I try to remind myself that when things do not go well, that is when I am being tested how I get over the hurdle and whether I can be a successful person.


⑤ Goals through the seminar 

  My goal is to be a person who have a broad perspective. This goal applies to study and my daily life. In terms of study, I want to be able to think about things from a variety of perspectives, without being constrained by my own preconceptions or stereotypes. The Konishi Seminar is a group of students with diverse experiences and ways of thinking. I hope to be stimulated by students and be more flexible and have a wide view. In terms of my daily life, I want to look up and have a broader horizon when I am busy with study, extracurricular activities, job hunting, etc. and I do not have any space in my heart. Students in the Konishi Seminar are engaged in various activities in various places. Even when I am busy or having a hard time, I want to be able to look up, look around, and think, “Everyone else is working hard, so I will work hard too”. I would also like to create a relationship where we can lean on each other and encourage and lift each other up when times are tough, 


 ⑥ Research Topic

  I will study the effectiveness of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) from developed countries to developing countries. FDI is theoretically very beneficial to the recipient countries and plays an important role in the economic development of developing countries. In practice, however, FDI that brings such benefits does not seem to be so apparent. Various arguments about the causes of this have been made. I would like to analyze them and examine the preconditions necessary to make FDI effective in bringing about sustainable economic development in developing countries, as well as the state of FDI itself. 





Thank you for reading!