関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻














大学1年次には、NPO法人インターンシップに参加し、交換留学の選考に応募し、総合政策学部内の特別プログラムであるGCaP (Global Career Program)に参加しました。どの経験においても周りのレベルに圧倒され、私がいかに井の中の蛙であったのかを痛感させられましたが、必死に食らいつきながら乗り越えました。










Hello, everyone!


Thank you for always visiting our blog.

I am Manami Tanaka, a third-year student in this seminar.


This time, I would like to talk about the attitude I cherish on a daily basis and how the attitude was formed.

I always try to challenge everything at first, even if they seem difficult, and make persistent efforts even if I cannot seem to get results. This mind was formed by my own experience of studying mathematics at high school.

I have always been weak in arithmetic or mathematics, and although I managed to enroll in the high school of my first choice, I was placed in the 200th position out of 360 students in the mathematics exam immediately after admission. I had never experienced this kind of rank before, so it made me feel even worse about math.

Since I planned to choose to study humanities, I thought about giving up on mathematics many times. However, I thought I should not give up and stop my effort because being able to put effort into anything was my strength. Therefore, I decided to continue challenging myself in mathematics. I studied very hard for mathematics, even if it was tough. From the middle of my second year, my grades gradually improved, and in my last regular examination at high school, I took first place in my grade. I was able to turn a subject I was not good at into a subject I was good at. This experience gave me confidence that no matter how bad I was at something at first, if I persevered and continued to work hard, I would achieve success one day.

I have challenged myself in many things in my college life so far.

In my first year of college, I participated in an internship at a NPO, applied for an exchange program, and joined GCaP (Global Career Program), an original program within this faculty. In all of these experiences, I was overwhelmed by the level of the people around me, and I was made acutely aware of the fact that I was a frog in a well, but I overcame this by working hard to keep my head above water.

In my second year, I participated in a UNICEF volunteer community for university students, and when my exchange program was decided to cancel due to COVID-19, I determined to try other things, and I immediately decided to attend overseas fieldwork online. Moreover, I made up my mind to join an official sports club. Choosing this seminar was also a challenge for me.

I believe that it is because of my high school experience that I am able to continue to be curious and challenge myself in various academic and extracurricular activities even after becoming a university student.

In the rest of my student life and even after I become a member of society, I would like to keep having an attitude of challenging and aiming higher goals, without being satisfied with the status quo.


Thank you for reading to the end.