関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻

2022年度 ゼミ生紹介⑪








①名前:田村美有(タムラ ミウ































Hello, everyone!

Thank you for always reading our blog.

My name is Ayuka Inoue, a third-year student who is in charge of blogging at Konishi seminar.


This time, I would like to introduce third-year student of this year! This is going to be the last time introducing the seminar students of this year, so I hope you enjoy reading it!



① Name: Miu Tamura


②Hometown: Suita City, Osaka prefecture


③Hobbies: Upgrading food, clothing, and shelter


④Motto: Knowing how to be strong in a gale

This phrase means, "Just as you can recognize the strong grass that survives only when a swift wind blows, you can tell that you are a person of strong will and discipline only when you are faced with severe trials. This is what it means.

The reason why I started to use these words as my axis is because of an experience I had when I was in junior high school.

When I was in junior high school, I was a member of a really strict gymnastic club.

I remember the tremendous sense of accomplishment I felt when my friends and I overcame the harsh environment of having to run 100 laps around a field in cold winter and win a game.

This experience made me realize that it is in tough and painful times that one's true value is tested and how much one can hold fast to one's convictions.

This realization made me determined to become a person who can stand firm on my own axis no matter how fast the headwind blows for me.


⑤Goals through the seminar


First of all, the Konishi Seminar, to which I belong, can be summed up in one word: "freedom”.

The content of the seminar is free, and the seminar students are unique and positive, making my days very stimulating.

However, I realize that "freedom" may seem simple, but it is the most difficult thing to achieve.

This is because there is no place where independence is required than a situation that is not bound.


My goal through the seminar is to "keep moving forward with someone else.

It takes a great deal of courage to take on a challenge that is outside of my experience.

However, having continued to play team sports, I feel that if I take on a challenge together with someone, I gain more confidence and courage than when I face something alone. Therefore, I would like to spend the next two years of my life challenging something "with someone else," and beyond.

⑥Reserch topics

“How can we improve the market value of female human resources in modern Japanese society?

-Considering from the perspective of creating decent work opportunities-".


I am conducting research on the above theme.

My motivation for raising this issue is that I feel there is a practice of gender segregation of jobs in contemporary Japanese society.

For example, nursery school teachers and nurses have a strong image of being jobs for women.

In fact, the data clearly shows that women are more likely to work in these fields.

These occupations that tend to be gender-segregated can be considered skills in their field, but they are single-skill occupations and do not provide the multifaceted skills that will be required when people want to change careers or start their own business in the future. As a result, we hypothesize that the market value of these occupations is reduced when viewed in the overall market, rather than in a single market.

We are not denying the existence of such occupations, but we have chosen this research theme in order to clarify the relationship between gender-biased occupations and the acquisition of skills.


Thank you for reading to the end!



