関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻

散歩の魅力/Attractions of talking a walk










Hello, everyone. My name is Shumpei Uotani, the senior student of Konishi Seminar.
This time, I would like to write about some attractions of taking a walk which I usually do.

To be honest, I started talking a walk as a routine after I became a university student. At first, I continued to take a walk simply because my house was located at the foot of a mountain and I simply wanted to feel the air of nature. However, I found some attractions I had never noticed. In this post, I would like to share my personal impressions of some attractions of talking a walk.

 Firstly, one of them is that talking a walk has a potential to suppress feelings of stress or anxiety in rich nature environment. In fact, when I had such feelings, it helped me to suppress them and calm me down. I believe that leaving the situation I got thoughtful at home and talking a walk helped me sort out my feelings.

 In addition, I think one of the attractions is that it has a potential to improve creativity. I have some situations which make it easier for me to came up with ideas, and talking a walk is one of them, which gives me some ideas. Although talking a walk tends to be imaged as one way of a break from work, I believe that it is a good opportunity to came up with ideas.

Furthermore, I believe that having an opportunity to see many landscapes of the town. They look different between the time. In the evening, especially, the view of the sky is amazing. I strongly believe that the best part of talking a walk is being able to see the view that can only be seen on that day.

In this post, I showed my personal impressions of talking a walk. If you become interested in it, even if just for a short while, please give it a try continually! 

Thank you for reading!





