関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻






早速ですが、皆さんはP&Gジャパンが手掛ける「パンテーン」というブランドをご存じでしょうか?おそらく多くの人が一度はその製品を購入したことや、名前を耳にしたことがあると思います。そんなパンテーンは、「#HairWeGo さあ、この髪でいこう」というブランドメッセージを掲げ、2020年秋より「#PrideHair」と呼ばれるプロジェクトを行っています。












Hello, everyone. My name is Akari Kondo of 4th grade from Konishi Seminar.


This time, I would like to tell you about the video ads which were impressive for me.


Firstly, I would like to go ahead and ask a question. Have you ever heard “Pantene”, the brand of P&G Japan? Probably, many of you have ever purchased its products or just have heard of it. Under the vision of #HairWeGo, the Pantene has been working on the project, called #PrideHair since 2020.


The video ads which I watched aimed for this project and emphasize the importance to express ourselves in job hunting. To be more specific, two LGBT people appear in the video and they tell the conflicts that they had to change their hairstyle to hide their gender while they were job hunting. I usually skip the video ads, but this time, I was really into watching it without thinking.


If you have once experienced job hunting, you must have concerned about how to leave better impression during the interview. What kind of experiences would be evaluated, what is the desirable response, etc….I can empathize these concerns a little. However, every one of us must have different reasons and opinions towards the same experience. The reason why we all have different perspectives is because our thoughts and values are formed of various factors, such as our hometowns, family environments, and personal relationships. Therefore, with the same episode, the contents might differ depending on speakers. I get very nervous when I am taking the job interview, but through communicating with interviewers, I can tell who I am and I do really enjoy it.


Then, I believe that gender is also the factor which is necessary to form ourselves. Changing the hairstyles and pretending the precious personality should not be advantageous and evaluated in the interview. By watching this video ads, I realized again that expressing ourselves and being accepted our personalities are not common sense in the job interview.


At last, the Pantene raises a problem that there are stereotypes of hairstyles in many scenes and carries out some actions to support people with their own hairstyles. Also, we have opportunities to spread our ideas and actions via #HairWeGo on Twitter. If you are interested, I would like you to share what you feel by reading this blog.


Thank you for reading.




