関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻

小西ゼミで学んだ事/ What I have learned in Konishi Seminar





 Hi, this is Ayu Amadatsu, a senior student from Konishi seminar. It's been a long time since my last post. During that time, I finished job hunting and I was able to exceed my target score on the TOEIC test. Above all, in December 20th, two-year seminar was over in a blink of an eye. In seminars, we did group work such as PCM method, company analysis, and making presentation of summaries of book. Also, individual work such as one-on-one debates and paper presentations too. By these experiences, I was able to see myself with an objective eye and deepen mutual understanding with other students. In this blog, I would like to write about the PCM method which I learned many things the most in the seminar.

 In the first place, the PCM method is to analyze one problem from various angles, starting form stakeholder analysis, and deciding a project for it at the end. It was held for the first time in the third year, and in order to make it even better, we proceeded online (due to the COVID-19) with group members even outside of class. We set central problem as ``the problem of many high school girls committing suicide has not been resolved'', and analysis was conducted based on the three perspectives of school, home, and SNS. Our group made sure that every information is based on the evidence. Then, as the final project proposal, based on the idea that worries in grade can lead to suicidal impulses, we drafted a project proposal aimed at improving teaching skills of teachers. It was a very long process, but we were able to complete the analysis without an incident. On the other hand, I had identified many issues for myself. Those are lack of ability to communicate and the difficulty of thinking with zero-based thinking. Regarding my lack of communication skills, I lacked the ability to explain things to people in a short amount of time and I assumed that the other person would understand. But now, I am trying to communicate politely with others by reading books and increasing face-to-face communication. Also, in the latter case, I was often hindered by my own values and past experiences when conducting analysis. Therefore, regardless of the size of the idea, we always tried to communicate with the members and made decisions one by one. In addition, I would like to continue training by doubting the obvious of society and the structure of things, so that I can always have a fresh way of thinking even after joining a company.

 Except for PCM method, I was able to learn and experience many things while being surrounded by unique and wonderful members. Once again, I would like to thank Professor Konishi and all the seminar members.







