関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻










私は本校でグローバルな視点から見た日本の現状や世界の問題について学んでいます。世界には目を逸らしたくなるそうな、私たちが想像できない過酷な現実、紛争、貧困、さまざまな問題が潜んでいます。私の歳まで生きられない子どもたち、紛争で大切な人を亡くして自らを責めながら生きる人々。そんな現状を目の当たりにしながら何もできない私はとてもちっぽけに感じました。それから、どんな社会を作りたいか、どうしたら作れるか、考えついたのがこの「幸せのレシピ」です。できることは小さなことでも、まず始めてみること、その一歩が幸せな社会へと近づくと感じます。総政のモットー「Think globally,Act locally」をこれからも実践していきたいと思います。





I would like to tell you “the happy recipe”

Welcome sir. We supply the soup which make all people happy.  Then, I’d like to tell you the recipe of the soup.


Hello everyone, I am Yuri Ikezawa. I am in the Konishi seminar in KGU. I will talk about the recipe, but it is not for cooking, it is a recipe of our society. I will introduce of the recipe to make the world better. There are 3 steps of this, and it looks easy to make, but it has to be politely.

The first step is “mix the ingredients”. There are many types of the vegetables, and they have difference size, color, and taste. You must not treat wildly, and not break, because the taste of the vegetables will become bad. It is same our society, our world is so diversity, many culture and the ways of thinking is in the world. The globalization will be continued and the diversity will be also spread. To accept new things is very exciting but it is a little nervous. However, if you have a little brave and curious, it leads a great mixed culture.

The second step is “the good balance of condiment”. There are many kinds of condiment, for example salt, sugar, pepper and so on. They are different tastes totally but these are important to make soup. The different taste of condiment is mixed, the taste will have good harmony. But the important point is not to depend the one taste. To blend some taste just right is important. Recently, there are some problem of sexuality and a handicapped person. Some people call them “Minority” but I don’t like this word. I think separate majority and minority is wrong. We have to recognize there are many features and way of thinking.

The final step is “to see carefully”. There are some acceptable things, for example the difference of culture, thinking, religion. Then, the criticism is escalated, some problems will happen like hate speech, discrimination and prejudice. If people cannot accept the thinking, they should not attack and reject. There are many conflict without accepting others thinking so if you want to reduce the conflict, just accept the other thinking.

When you make the soup, the important thing is making yourself and eating yourself. It means the person who makes the world better is you and me.


I study global issues in my university, so there are many chances to think about what should I do for our society. I don’t have the power to stop poverty, and I don’t have much money to make our world rich. But I think the little thing can change the world, and the little thing can be done by us. Then the 3 steps are important to do make the world better. And the best word to act changing the world better is “Think globally, Act locally” is our department of Policy studies in KSC. I will do my best with this word.


Thank you for reading until the end.