関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻

2021年度 ゼミ生紹介⑨







②出身:兵庫県 尼崎市







Hello, everyone.

My name is Mikako Miyamoto, a 3rd grade in Konishi seminar.


Today, I would like to introduce members of 3rd grade of this year in Konishi seminar.


①Name: Yumi Imamura

②Birthplace: Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture

③Hobby: Nature tours such as climbing mountain and picnics in the beach, visiting museums, painting, and watching Korean dramas, etc.

④Goals in this seminar: I would like to improve the basic skills of working adults, such as improving research skills, presentation skills, and language skills through industry company research.

⑤Research topic: The research theme is about advertising effectiveness, and the research question is “does indirectly lead to the solution of social problems by disseminating information such as social problems through the media?”


There are two activities that I am working on. The first is an organization called milleniums, in which seven active university students send out social issues through the media and approach them as life-size university students. Among them, I am in charge of sending SNS and creating contents. The second activity is video production with students of the Department of Media Policy, and we produced a documentary movie about a chorus based in the Uegahara campus called "Kwansei Gakuin University Mixed Chorus EGOLADO". in the class of expression last year. In addition, we are re-editing a documentary movie and putting it in a video contest. After this video work is completed, we plan to create a video work related to social issues. Also, when I was in my first year, I started a developing country hygiene education project based in Cebu, Philippines, with three friends. We actually used a long vacation to visit elementary and junior high schools on Cebu and Davao islands to investigate the current state of local napkin problems. We also went to an area called a slum and volunteered to hold events for children. In the summer of my first year, I also went to Cambodia and experienced the construction of a local elementary school and volunteering for Japanese language education. Looking back, I feel that each experience was new to me, very fresh, and very much learned.




