関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻


皆さま、こんにちは。 はじめまして。小西ゼミ3年生の菅田理央と申します。紫陽花がとても綺麗な時期ですね。いつも本ブログをご覧くださり、ありがとうございます。

今回は、私が最近気になった運動について、執筆させていただきたいと思います。 皆さまは、#KuTooというキャンペーンはご存知でしょうか? 2019年6月3日に、女優でライターとしてご活躍される石川優実さんが「職場で女性がヒールやパンプスを履くことを強制する風習をなくしたい」と、これに賛同する約1万8800人分の署名を、厚生労働省に提出しました。この運動には#KuTooという名前が付けられており、日本語の「靴」(くつ)と「苦痛」(くつう)をかけて、英語の性被害を告発する#MeTooをなぞらえたものです。全ての人が今よりももっと働きやすく、それによって職業選択の幅が狭まらず、無駄な負担のないような労働環境を目指すため、会社へ性差によるハイヒールやパンプスの強制を禁止するように通達をしてもらうことを目的とされています。





参考→TIME誌2019年3月12日Aria Hangyu Chen著(URL) https://time.com/5548873/japan-kutoo-high-heels-metoo/

Hello, everyone. Thank you always for reading this blog. My name is Rio Sugata, and today I will write about the recent campaign in Japan which I am interested in.

Have you ever heard about the campaign called #KuToo in Japan? On 3rd of June 2019, Yumu Ishikawa who work as an actress and writer, collected about 19,000 signatures in favor of aims to stop employers from requiring women to wear heels at workplace, and submitted it to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. This campaign is called #KuToo, which means shoes and pain in Japanese, with a gentle nod to the #MeToo movement. She said, “I want this society to be one where people have the freedom to wear whatever shoes they like.”. This movement encourages people to work more comfortably without physical stress and gender inequality.

Actually, I had this kind of experiences. When I went shopping to get a suit and shoes for the first time, the sales clerk recommended heels like as usual. When I wear formal clothes for my part time job, I always choose heels with no reason. When I go on job hunting, I have to wear heels. It really hurts my feet and got blisters every time, and my hallux valgus has been getting worse. Even though, I have never stopped wearing heels in formal or business scenes, because it is obvious manner in Japanese society.

The problem is, I think, this kind of manner and custom has been deeply rooted unconsciously. With this as a first opportunity, many people criticized this problem as a gender issue and health issue. In addition, because Japan has natural disaster frequently, it is alarmed that heels prevent women to run or walk longer, which may lead to life threatening. As a result, some companies have already tried to change its rule not requiring women to wear heels.

So far, I have written about one example of campaign that raising a question to the common sense. From this, I learned it is important not to just accept what is happening around me, and I should have critical perspective. In addition, I thought, it would be more comfortable to live with the awareness that everyone has each characteristics. I believe it can build more equal and healthy society eventually.

Thank you for reading. It’s getting hotter here in Japan, so pease take good care of yourself.

(If you are interested in, here is the URL of TIME magazine internet article about this campaign.https://time.com/5548873/japan-kutoo-high-heels-metoo/ )