関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻



















Hello, everyone. Thank you for always viewing our blog.

My name is Saya Kamiguchi, the three grade Konishi seminar.


Now, I have been studying abroad and working as a teacher in Indonesia since this April. Today, I would like to write about episode of my study abroad.

I’m working at Satya Wacana Christian primary school in Salatiga, Indonesia. My main job is to teach physical education, art, dance and music. My lesson plan is including Japanese play and culture. I have to use Bahasa Indonesian when I am teaching. Bahasa Indonesia’s pronunciation is very difficult for me, but I try to communicate with Indonesian, so I can understand gradually.

Last day, I taught physical education and art.

In physical education class, I wanted to do like Japanese sport day, so I did obstacle race. I made the team and did the centipede competition and tag of war. I presented the hand-made medal to the winner team. I cloud see a lot of children’s smiles, so I also try to do my best next time.

In art class, I taught Koinobori and Kendama. The class when I taught Koinobori, I had student write a dream for the future. The student’s eyes when they are writing their dreams for the future were very bright. Moreover, when I taught Kendama, as soon as they completed it, it started playing and enjoyed it very much.

I keep in mind to create classes that are even of interest in Japanese culture.

Currently, there are many Japanese cultures such as manga and animation accepted all over the world, and I feel that more and more people are interested in Japan. So, I would like to convey my culture to other countries, and I would like to help them to grow enrich their hart through Japanese culture.

There is a language barrier, but I will do my best to overcome many difficulties.

Moreover, I try to do a lot of wonderful experiences so as not to leave a regret.

Thank you for your reading.