関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻

PCM分析 活動報告④(ラストです!)







日本の英語教育の水準が世界と比較した時に相対的に下がっていることが問題視されています。EF Education Firstという世界最大規模の私立教育機関が毎年発表している調査で、2022年には、日本の英語能力指数の順位が過去最低を記録しています。














Hello everyone,

Thank you for always reading our blog.

Today’s blog is the last post of a project using PCM analysis in a konishi seminar. 

We hope you enjoy reading till the end!


[ Friendly interaction with overseas students online]


〈Plan overview〉

The relative decline in the standard of English education in Japan compared to the rest of the world has been seen as a problem. According to a survey published every year by EF Education First, one of the world's largest private educational institutions, Japan's English proficiency index ranking was lowest ever in 2022.


In Japan, junior high school is the standard period that Japanese students begin reading and writing in English. Also, it is the period of compulsory education, so we focused on "English education in Japanese junior high school education" and conducted a PCM analysis to solve the problem.

As a result, our group proposed to solve the central problem of ``Less time for English language activities in class'' through a project to ``Interacting with overseas students online.'' became.


The purpose of this project is to ``Utilize digital technology to create an environment where you can enjoy speaking.''

The main content is to make effective use of the 15 minutes from 8:30 a.m. for English speaking activities for first and second year junior high school students three times a week and for third year junior high school students twice a week. 

Specifically, out of the 15 minutes, students will spend 10 minutes on a given topic and the remaining 5 minutes on a free topic to discuss in English with students of the same age overseas. 

Not only will you have more opportunities to speak English than usual, but you can also expect to improve your speaking skills by covering a variety of topics, and create opportunities for international exchange by having conversations with students from non-English speaking countries. .


Through this PCM analysis, we learned the importance of a process of logical analysis based on objective facts, rather than trying to solve problems based on our own subjectivity. I would like to make use of this experience in the future as well.


We are now preparing to propose our project to the local political organizations. We will make an effort to make our projects more persuasive by deepening our analysis.


Thank you for reading until the end!