関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻

2023年度 ゼミ生紹介14







座右の銘:Pay it Forward 
この言葉は、日本語で「恩送り」という意味で、恩をもらった人に返す「恩返し」とは違い、もらった恩を次は自分が後輩や後世に送ることを指します。小学生までは家族や近所の人、クラスメイト、担任の先生など身近な人と関わることが多かったのですが、そこから成長するにつれ、多くの人にお世話になりました。その過程で、お世話になっていた方から教えてもらった言葉が「Pay it Forward」です。高校生のときに所属していた部活動や現在所属している学生団体で活動するときには、この言葉を思い出しながら活動しています。









Hello, everyone.

Thank you for always reading our blog.
I’m Manaka Yamaguchi, a third-year student who is in charge of blogging at Konishi seminar.
Today, we continuingly introduce the third-year seminar students of this year.

 ① Name : Ayane Kasai

 ② Hometown : Kagawa prefecture

 ③ Hobbies :Watching Disney movies and Ghibli movies


 ④ Motto : Pay it Forward
“Pay it forward” means to pass on the goodwill you have received to someone else, thereby connecting the goodwill to its destination.When I was in junior high school, I got to know the words, ”Pay it Forward," from my teacher. I keep this phrase in mind in the club activities I belonged to when I was in high school and in the student organization I am currently a member of.


 ⑤ Goals through the seminar:
Through the seminar, I would like to develop my logical thinking skills by practicing presentations, learning about social trends by understanding various industries, and learning new ideas by discussing with the diverse seminar students.


 ⑥ Dream in the future :
My dream for the future is ”to create an organization where each individual can realize their potential and feel fulfilled in their work". I am a member of a student organization that accepts foreign students who want to work for Japanese companies. Through this experience, I have come to think that it would be great if more Japanese companies would make it easier for people to work with various backgrounds and values. After graduating from university, I would like to work to achieve this goal. I also have hoped to travel around the world and learn about various cultures and values in my life since I was in elementary school.




In the next article, we will introduce Kazune Furuse, the girl who likes musclar exercises. Thank you for reading!