関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻

2023年度 ゼミ生紹介4










① 名前:寺東結実(てらひがしゆみ) 


② 出身地:兵庫県




座右の銘:It starts with you

高校3年生のとき、大学の授業を受講する機会がありこの言葉と出会いました。これからの100年は、「情熱的に働き、学び続ける時代」で、そのために必要な力が起業家精神「It starts with you - すべては私からはじまる」というのです。実は私は、つい最近までこの言葉を好ましく思っていませんでした。自分勝手で自己中心的だと思えたからです。しかし、この言葉は、社会に対する宣誓と自らを鼓舞する意味を併せ持っていると考えるようになりました。これからの100年、新しい風を吹かせようとする起業家の決意の表れではないでしょうか。この言葉の意味を考えていくなかで次第に共感できるようになりました。私もこの言葉を抱いて人生を生きていきたいです。It starts with you.













Hello, everyone.


Thank you for always reading our blog.

I’m Manaka Yamaguchi, a third-year student who is in charge of blogging at Konishi seminar.

Today, we continuingly introduce the third-year seminar students of this year.


    Name: Yumi Terahigashi


    Hometown: Hyogo


    Hobbies: Reading books, Music


    Motto:“It starts with you”

I had the opportunity to take a university class when I was a senior in high school. It was then that I learned this phrase from the professor.The next 100 years will be an era of passionate working and learning. The power that people need to make the best time is the entrepreneurial spirit "It starts with you”. To be honest, I did not like this phrase until recently, because it seemed selfish and self-centered. However, I have come to think that these words are meant to be a pledge to society and an inspiration to myself. I think this phrase expresses the entrepreneur's determination to create a new era. As I thought about the meaning of this word, I gradually came to sympathize with it. I want to live with this phrase in my mind. It starts with you.


    Goals through the seminar

My goal through the seminar is to get the skill of logical thinking. I believe that one cannot do things well without the ability to think logically. I want to get it during my school years and continue to grow as a person who is useful to society.


    Dream for the future

It is not a grand dream, but I would like to return the favor to my parents when I start working as a member of society. The fact that I am able to go to university and challenge various things until now is due to the great support from my parents. I am grateful to my parents. I still don't know when and what to do would be a real way to give back. However, I want to repay my parents' kindness.

In the next article, we will introduce Yui Kako, who belongs to dance club and is called "Bambi".

Thank you for reading!