関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻

2023年度 ゼミ生紹介6








①名前:中島 璃香 (なかしま りか)



座右の銘: "自分に負けるな"












Hello, everyone.


Thank you for always reading our blog.

I’m Manaka Yamaguchi, a third-year student who is in charge of blogging at Konishi seminar.

Today, we continuingly introduce the third-year seminar students of this year.


 ① Name : Rika Nakashima

 ② Hometown : Fukuoka prefecture

 ③ Hobbies : Dancing, international exchange, Zentangle (a kind of art), decorating room with flowers, Dying hair colour (I often change my hair colour from time to time).


 ④ Motto : "Don't beat yourself up."

My drama teacher told me this phrase when I was in primary school, and I have always treasured it until now. People often compare themselves with others, but I believe that  the last person you should beat is “yourself". When you are busy and have to make big decisions, it is tempting to take the easy and safe path, but it is more important to always aim high, push your limits and upgrade yourself to new. I consciously tackle everything with this mindset; “It is the end, if I compromise.”


 ⑤ Goals through the seminar:

Through this seminar, I want to acquire the ability to generate many innovative ideas. Therefore, I need to get into the habit of thinking carefully on a daily basis and writing down ideas in my mind every time I watch news or listen to a lecture, otherwise I won't be able to come up with them when the time comes. I would like to be able to propose new, interesting and reproducible ideas through group work and problem solving in this seminar.

 ⑥ Dream in the future:

I don't have a big dream yet, but I have one thing I would like to continue to be involved in, which is supporting international students in Japan. Through my personal experience as an exchange student, I realised how uneasy it is to live in another country and how difficult it is to make friends. After returning to Japan, I have been actively supporting international students by assisting them in their classes and personally guiding them around sightseeing spots such as Kyoto on weekends, so that they can enjoy life in Japan without any worries. My motto is "I will be their first friend". My goal for the future is to organise international exchange events where people can experience Japanese culture and make many Japanese friends. Another goal is to pass the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test (JLTCT) so that I can convey the structure and culture of the Japanese language to foreigners who are studying Japanese at universities and language schools.

In the next article, we would like to introduce Miki Nishimura, who is active in a student organization called MerSaCebu's that creates jobs in the Philippines.


Thank you for reading!