関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻















Hello, everyone!

My name is Nao Morii, and I am a third year student of Konishi Seminar.

Thank you for reading my blog.

This time, I would like to introduce my experience when I traveled to the Philippines in the summer of my first year of university.

In the spring of my freshman year, I launched a project to support sanitation in developing countries under the SDGs type of the Academic Commons Project, and provided educational support for women in the Philippines.

At the beginning of the project, based on information on the Internet, we thought that there were many children in the Philippines who could not attend school because of menstruation, and we were working to develop sustainable cloth sanitary napkins.

However, when we actually traveled to the area and interviewed local people, we found that there was no current situation where children were unable to go to school due to menstruation, and in fact, sanitary products were as prevalent as in Japan. However, although sanitary products are widespread, I found out that many children are getting sick because they do not know how to use them properly.

Before I went to Japan, I looked up developing countries and slum areas on the Internet and saw so many tragic pictures that I felt sorry for the children and wanted to support them so that they could go to school. However, when we actually visited the area, we found that the local people had completely different challenges from what we had imagined, and the children we shared our lives with showed us many happy smiles and were enjoying their daily lives.

Through this experience, I strongly felt that I must actually visit the place and see everything with my own eyes. Nowadays, everything can be researched on the Internet, and you can see what is going on around the world without having to go out of your way to visit. However, I think it is important to remember that this is only a small part of the world, and to see it with your own eyes.

It may be difficult to visit directly due to the corona disaster, but I think it is especially important now to have an eye to discern the truth and not just believe the information.


Thank you for reading to the end!




