関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻








2つ目は、「周囲の人との絆の大切さ」です。今はsocial distancingで気軽に会うこともできず、人を見れば敵と思わざる負えない状況です。しかし一方で、会えなくてもお互いの体調を気にかけたり、大切な人に移さない為に気をつけたりと普段は気づかなかった周りの人の「思いやり」を感じることが多くなりました。また、会えなくなって、いつも家族や周りの人にたくさん支えられていたのだと改めて感じました。このように感じることができたのは、日常生活において、その場限り関係ではなく、信頼関係や絆を築けていた証拠であると思い、これからも周りの人を大切にしようと改めて思うきっかけとなりました。







Hello everyone! Thank you for checking this blog.

I am Sakura Ikeda, the fourth-year student of Konishi seminer.

Recently, the COVID-19 became a pandemic and seriously impacted people’s lives and the economy. It has been 4 months since the first Coronavirus occur in China and environments around students also changed a lot. I started job hunting this March but all the job fair were cancelled and many companies putted off the date of interviews, so I am very nerves about my future and spending uneasy days. However, I could also notice some important things form the COVID-19. So, today, I would like to share three important things I learned in this confused situation.

First, “The selection of the information”. In these days, there are so much information about coronavirus in TV or on the Internet. However, when people become panicked, they tend to be misled by the fake information and make a wrong behavior. This time, it was also happened that people buy up all the toilet paper in the market and people who really need them could not buy at all. It is very important to access many information for deciding how to act, but we also need to establish the ability to sort out information effectively from the masses of information.

Second, “The importance of relationship with people around”. The COVID-19 makes people separate because it is difficult to judge who is infected. People have to keep “social distanceing “each other like everyone except for themselves are enemies. On the other hand, I could also feel “kindness” of people when I stay at home. For example, many of my friend cared about me and gave me a contact from all over the world. In addition, since it became difficult to see my family and friends, I realized how important their supports were for my life. From these stories, I could notice it is very important to make sustainable relationships with people around. Thus, it reminds me once again that I should be always nice and take good care of people around.

Third, “The ability of dealing flexibly”. Since people have concerned the risk of infection, many people shifted to working from home and schools also moved to online. For the changes so far, I felt that it is important to try adapting to new environments rather than saying it “difficult” or “impossible”. In addition, in this time that I cannot do what I have taken for granted, I realized that it is necessary to expand the range of knowledges and abilities, and increase the things I can do. Therefore, people need to respond flexibly to the situation in the future whether how it changes for surviving in the society.

In conclusion, instead of losing normal daily life, we could learn many important things from the tragedy of COVID-19. There is no indication that this situation is being brought under control, but we must not give up, and help each other to overcome the Coronavirus.

Please continue to take care of yourself.

Thank you for reading.
