関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻

2020年度 ゼミ生紹介①









① 名前

② 出身地

③ 趣味

④ 小西ゼミでの活動を通しての目標

⑤ 研究テーマ

⑥ コロナ渦でどのような生活を送り、今の生活を楽しむためどのような工夫をしているのか




① 岩田陽

② 北海道旭川市

③ サイクリング

④ 様々な考え方を学ぶ。自分の意見をわかりやすく伝えられるようにする。

⑤ 海洋プラスチック問題について




① 岩本絵理


③ カラオケ

④ 視野を広げ、優れた協調性を持つ人になること。


⑥ 私が今の学生生活で心がけていることは「時間管理」です。コロナウイルスの影響でオンライン授業になってから、レポート課題の量が以前よりも増えました。それに伴い、スケジュール管理や計画的な行動が非常に大事だと感じました。









⑥ コロナ禍の中で充実した生活を送るために、スケジュールやしなければならないことを紙に書き可視化させるようにしています。そうすることで時間を有効に使えるようになりました。また通学時間がなくなった分、読書や運動をしたり、心も身体も健康に過ごしています。



① 折原七海


③ 旅行

④ 常に自分の考えを持ち、主体的に行動する。











⑥ 私はコロナ禍の中でも時間を有効に使うことを大切にして日々過ごしています。今までよりも家で過ごす時間、自分のことに使う時間が増えたと感じているので、この機会を機に何か新しく続けられるようなことはないか考えるようになりました。そのため、アルバイト先へ行くまでの隙間時間を利用してリスニングの勉強をしたり、就寝前にニュースをみて今日1日で何が起こったのかを知るようにしていました。小さなことではありますが自分自身を成長させるために、こうした短い時間でも有効に使うよう心がけています。








⑥ コロナ禍でオンライン授業になり、学校で授業が受けられる有り難さ、友達と楽しい学生生活を送ることができていることは当たり前ではないと痛感しました。今は興味があるサスティナブルな暮らしやエシカルについてのオンラインイベントに積極的に参加し、学んでいます。秋学期は、三田で授業を受けたい!!!












① 瀬戸口龍

② 福岡県 北九州市

③ 音楽を聴くこと

④ 色々な人と話して自分とは違う視点での物事の見方を発見をする。

⑤ 日本社会とワークライフバランス

⑥ すべての授業がオンラインで行われ自分一人で勉強する事が増えた中で、人と会って話したり、一緒に勉強する事の重要性を感じました。また学校に行かなくていい事で自分で使える時間が増えたので、自分の興味のある聖書を読んでみたり、車のメカニズムについて勉強しています。一方で、学校に通わなくなったことで生活リズムを崩さないことを気をつけています。その一環で毎晩料理を作るようになり、今まで作ったことのなかった少し凝った料理にもチャレンジするなどストレスを溜めないような生活を送っています。


Hello, everyone. My name is Yuna Kosaka from Konishi seminar third year. Thank you always for reading this blog. From today, I and Kiho Hamada take in charge of this blog.


In the first and second blogs, we will introduce 14 members of the third year class of Konishi seminar this year.

First of all, I would like to introduce the self-introduction of the eight seminar students for the following 5 points.


① Name

② Birthplace

③ Hobby

④ Goals in this seminar

⑤ Research topic

⑥ What kind of life do you lead in the COVID-19  disaster , and how do you make efforts to enjoy your present life?



① Yo Iwata

② Asahikawa city, Hokkaido

③ Cycling

④ Learn various way of thinking. Express my opinion clearly.

⑤ About marine plastic litter problems

⑥ Online classes have started due to the coronavirus , so ever since I spent most of the day in my home. Studying at home is hard, but I have more free time than before because I stay at home all the time. I make use of that time to study qualifications and English, so I feel making good use of time effectively. I cannot go to university, but I can spend meaningful time.



① Eri Iwamoto

② Ikoma city, Nara prefecture


④ Broaden my perspective and be a great cooperative person.

⑤ The current situation of the women’s empowerment in New Zealand

⑥ I try to manage my time in my current student life. Since online classes have started due to the coronavirus, the number of assignments increased than before. Therefore, I thought that scheduling management and acting in a planned way were very important. I am spending more time at home , so I study English more than before. In my daily life, I started helping my mother with the housework by myself. I try to make a schedule and take action frequently.



① Mayu Utsumi

② Akashi city, Hyogo prefecture

③ Doing yoga

④ Think logically, and express my opinion clearly.

⑤ The role of Children‘s cafeteria from the perspective of self-esteem development

⑥ I write down my schedule and have to do on the paper to visualize in order to live a fulfilling life in the corona disaster. By doing so, I can use my time effectively. Also, I did not go to school this term, so I was reading books and exercising instead of that time. I spend my time mentally and physically healthy.



① Nanami Orihara

② Akashi city, Hyogo prefecture


④ Always have my own opinion and act on my own initiative.

⑤ About LGBT labor problems

⑥ Due to the coronavirus, online classes have started. I was worried because it was for the first time for me. However, I feel that I could concentrate on taking classes at my own pase. Besides taking classes, I helped housework by myself. Also, I try to do what I can do such as studying bookkeeping at home.



① Yuna Kosaka

② Osaka city, Osaka prefecture

③ Watching musicals

④ The problems about sexual diversity in Japan

⑤ Think about things from a broad perspective and logical thinking, and act on my own initiative.

⑥ I try to make good use of my time every day even though this period. I feel that I spend more time at home and on myself than before, so I started thinking about what I can do to continue doing something new. Therefore, I use my spare time to study English before I go  to my part-time job. Also, I read the TV news before going to bed to learn what happened in the day. These are small things, but I try to use it effectively in such a short period of time to grow myself.



Mina Kohana

② Takarazuka city, Hyogo prefecture

③ Going around the sightseeing spots

④ Become a person who has a broad perspective and can have an influence on society.

⑤ About ethical consumption

⑥ Due to the Corona disaster, I started online classes, so I keenly felt that how valuable it was to be able to attend classes at school and to enjoy spending a student life with my friends. Now I am actively participating in and learning about sustainable living and ethical online events that I am interested in. I want to take classes in Kobe Sanda campus in the fall semester.



① Akari Kondo

② Katsuyama city, Fukui prefecture

③ Music appreciation, going to live shows

④ Make use of my experience what I have absorbed through in this seminar and to share my thoughts.

⑤ The necessity of private English education for Japanese students

⑥ When the coronavirus disasters have started, I could not imagine that it would have such a big long-term impact. However, I tried to solve the issues right in front of me, so I felt that this six months have passed quickly. I am anxious and impatient about this situation because  I cannot imagine how long it will last. However, I thought that my mental power and self-management ability will be tested even in this hard times, so I try to do each task carefully and positively every day.



① Ryu Setoguchi

② Kitakyushu city, Fukuoka prefecture

③ Listening music

④ Find a different perspective of things by talking to various people.

⑤ Japanese society and work-life balance

⑥ As all classes were started online and I studied more by myself, I realized the importance of meeting and talking with people and studying together. Also, I do not have to go to school, so I have more time to use by myself. I read the Bible that I am interested in and study the mechanism of cars. On the other hand, I am careful not to break my life rhythm by not going to school. As a part of this, I started cooking every night, and I have been living a life where I do not get stressed by challenging a little elaborate dishes that I have never cooked before.