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関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻

Konishizemi Times 〜やる気と動機〜










少し論文チックな記事となり失礼しました…とりあえず私は明日からご褒美のチョコレートを机に用意して寝ようと思います。 最後までお読みいただきありがとうございました。


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Hello everyone, and thank you for always seeing this blog.

I'm Saki Oshikawa.


It is almost December. In this season whose morning is getting colder, and you can not leave their bed like me, don't you? I guess that there are many people who can not have their motivation because of recently coldness.

Thus, today, I would like to write about "motivation".

What do you do when you don't have no motivation? You may try to make your motivation by trying in every way possible. However, can you really make your motivation by yourselves?

From a physical perspective, motivation is related to Globus pallidus (part of The basal ganglia). It has been proved that the active movement of Globus pallidus make us be more motivated. In other words, if you want to increase your motivation, you should make the movement of Globus pallidus more active. Then, how should we do it.

An experiment has been conducted by an American laboratory. The researchers make a monkey remember to move it's eyes in one direction, and if the monkey do well, it can get rewards. The researchers recorded the activity of the globus pallidus at that time. The result was that: The globus pallidus continued its activity until it got a reward, and when the amount of reward was large, it moved the eyes faster and the movement of the globus pallid was also activated. In other words, it is possible to motivate the globus pallidus by rewards and it lead motivation. And also, according to a Japanese researcher, it is said that even if you just call on yourself instead of a reward it will also trigger the globus pallidus movement.

If you can't have your motivation, please refer to it.

I'm sorry for this strange article likes thesis... Anyway, I will set a chocolate on my desk for reward of the tomorrow morning and go to bed tonight. Thank you for reading.


Konishi seminar's website is here ↓ http://www.konishi-kg.org/language.html