関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻


















Hello, everyone.


I’m Yuma Higashiura from Konishi seminar third year. Thank you for always looking at this blog.


This time, I will write about my experience and thought from that.


Do you know “Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake disaster 1.17 Gathering”? It is held every year on January 17th in the Kobe east park to commemorate victims of Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and pass down on the importance in the earthquake to the next generation. I have been interviewing and archiving photos since I was first grade in the university. Many people stopped, told me about the story of the day and brought photos. Recently, I talk to people who work media and food company for deepen my learning about disaster prevention.


Through this experience, I realized that I was a generation that did not experience the disaster and it was difficult to work on disaster prevention. To be honest, I wouldn’t have thought about the disaster unless I was doing this activity. However, people who have experienced the earthquake will tell their experience and thoughts for they want not the same feeling. We have been working on what we can do without experiencing the earthquake, but it was really difficult.


In recent years, natural disasters have increased and interest in disaster prevention have also increased. It is also true that efforts have been improved through past disaster, for example emergency foods and media treatment. We should prepare for the natural disasters, but I don't say to you “Please take measures against natural disasters” However, just think a little. What if you have a natural disaster now? What do you bring? Where do you run away? I think this thinking is one step to leads to disaster prevention. I can take this step for the opportunity. The thinking catalyst is individual. I want to important the opportunities that change your thinking. And I want find the opportunities.


I would be grateful If you could visit “Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake disaster 1.17 Gathering” on January 17th, 2020.


Thank you for reading through.


Please check the Konishi seminar homepage.
