関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻

「組織に所属する」ことに関して/Belonging to an organization

小西ゼミ4年 田中愛実

Fourth year student at Konishi seminar Manami Tanaka




































Belonging to an organization


I always get excited when I jump into a new environment or organization.

Although I have a lot of worries, I am also keenly reminded of my lack of ability and the vastness of the world, and that I was a frog in a well, which stimulates me and motivates me.

 In my university life, I was able to put myself in many new environments, meet new people and get involved with them through classes, seminars, club activities, GCaP, overseas internships and so on.

Having been involved with various people and working on various things, I believe that I was able to grow up while having fun while worrying at the same time.


In this essay, I would like to write about two things that I felt while being a university student regarding “belonging to an organization."


The first is the difficulty of working in an organization.

I was able to get a lot of good inspiration and learning from the new organization and community, but at the same time, I felt that it was difficult to work on one thing with people who had different ways of thinking and background.

In universities, unlike elementary, junior high and high school, there are many situations in which there is no absolute adult leader in each organization, and we students have to do things on our own.

In such a situation, I was sometimes very worried about how to work with people who have different values and ways of thinking.


The movie "The Monster," which I happened to see while I was thinking about above,  gave me a hint.

It was a difficult movie to interpret, but I felt some messages from this movie such as "People only see what they want to see," What you see doesn't necessarily look the same to others, and "Justice for yourself is not justice for others, but people try to impose it on others." It was a very thought-provoking movie.

"How can we work together with people who have different values and ways of thinking with the same goal?"

I have not found the answer to this yet.

However, my normal is not normal for others, what I want to do and what my priorities are different from those of others, my "should be like this" is not always the same for others, and the person I see is not everything about that person.I think I have to keep these things in mind.


The second is about the influence on the organization.

In an organization, I think the leader has the greatest influence on its members.

I am not the type to be a leader. However, I am confident that I have a strong desire to work hard with my colleagues and grow together, and to create an organization that can enhance each other.

As I mentioned at the beginning, there were many situations where I felt overwhelmingly inadequate in university, especially in classes, seminars and club activities. I was in a position to catch up with everyone around me desperately.

 However, even if it is just a little, even if it is just to one person, I have tried to act in a way that I can be a stimulus or a positive influence for someone.

That is because my seniors, juniors and friends taught me that influence over others can be given by anyone, never just leaders or seniors.  I believe that someday, even if it is only one person, I will be the driving force for someone, and I think that it motivates me to work on something. 

From April, I will belong to several new organizations. I would like to aim to become a person who can influence even just one person, even just a little."

Thank you for reading to the end.

















Hello, everyone!


Thank you for always reading our blog.


My name is Rin Sakamoto, a third-year student at Konishi seminar.


Today I would like to talk about what I have learned over the past three years.


Through these years , I have learned the importance of challenging myself.

I have always liked to challenge myself. I took entrance exams to private junior high schools, joined club activities I had no experience in, lived alone in Kansai from Kanto, and so on. However, after entering college, I didn't have those opportunities due to COVID- 19 pandemic. I didn't go to club introductions and spent my days holed up in my room.

However, I wanted to try something and started studying abroad, which had been a goal from my childhood. Once I decided to participate in the program studying Canada, I experienced overall leadership. I feel that my language skills have improved through daily contact as an intermediary between Japan and the local school although my English skill was poor at the beginning.

On the other hand, the class was full of international students and there were no opportunities to communicate with local students. So I mustered up the courage and approached a student in the cafeteria to eat lunch together. Although I was nervous at first, I was able to deepen my friendship and gain experiences to the extent that we still continue to interact with each other.

In this way, I realized that having the courage to take on a challenge can make a world of completely different. I am usually indecisive and always looking for the right answer, but I will continue to challenge myself and make my choices the right ones.

Thank you for reading!





「あきらめる」の本当の意味 / The true meaning of "Akirameru"






そんな自分の性格が昔からコンプレックスだった私は、本やTED Talksといったメディアから「脱・豆腐メンタル」を実現するための様々な方法を収集してきました。今回はその中から、自分の心に最も響いた考え方について書かせていただきます。
























名取芳彦. あきらめる練習. SBクリエイティブ. 2017



Hello, everyone. 

Thank you for always reading our blog. 

My name is Ayuka Inoue, a fourth-year student of Konishi seminar.


This is quite sudden, but I am mentally weak. 

I have always had a complex about that kind of personality, so I have collected various ways to overcome my glass heart from reading books, watching TED Talks and so on. 

This time, I would like to write about the most effective way for me to overcome it. 


Well, have you ever thought about the true meaning of the word “Akirameru”?

I think most people have a negative impression of the word such as “giving up”. Of course,  there is no doubt that the word is used in that sense, but did you know that there is an etymology of the word “give up'' that completely overturns this way of thinking?


I first learned about the origin of this word when I read a book called “Akirameru Rensyu” (“Practice of Giving Up'') written by Natori Hogen, in my third year of university. According to this book, the word ``give up'' comes from the Buddhist term “to see clearly,'' which means to reveal the true nature of things. In other words, the author wrote that the word “give up'' has the meaning of “to cut off thoughts about things that do not make sense after seeing reality clearly.''


Since I started seeing reality clearly in this way, I feel that life has become much easier.


A specific example would be the group work that I have experienced in my student life. There are always students with overwhelming leadership skills in any situation. On the other hand, I am the type of person who is not good at taking leadership. “Why are other students doing so well while I cannot?” Before I learned about “Akirameru”, I used to focus on the gap between my ideals and reality and get depressed. 


 However, after I learned about “Akirameru”, my way of thinking has changed. 

“There are people who are good and bad at taking leadership, and I am the one who is not good at it. This is the reality. So, rather than how to lead everyone well, I should use what I have now and think about how I can act to help others.” 

This is how I changed my way of thinking.


As a result, I have been able to accept myself as I am, my unnecessary stress has decreased, and I feel that my glass heart has improved dramatically.


When you are living your student life, you may find yourself comparing yourself to others and feeling depressed. At times like these, why don’t you see reality clearly?


Thank you for reading to the end.



Natori Hogen. Akirameru Rensyu (Practice of giving up). SB Creative. 2017.

















Hello, everyone!


Thank you for always reading our blog.


My name is Miki Nishimura, a third-year student at Konishi seminar.

 What I've learned over the past three years is the importance of "making decisions with a sense of purpose" and "relying on those around me." 

These three years, I dedicated the most time to the student organization which creates employment opportunities in the Philippines and supports local communities.The organization's primary focus was the development of local souvenirs. However, since we started with no specialized knowledge or experience, our progress was limited in the first six months. We even attempted crowdfunding without a clear understanding of the necessary steps, timeframes, or the exact amount of funding required, resulting in failure. The main cause of this failure was our vague plan of what we needed to do to turn our ideas into products and the specific use of the funds. Since then,  I have traveled to the Philippines three times, visited Sendai to learn about pastry making techniques from a  pastry chef, and participated in events like markets and school festivals in Japan to set up stalls. In any case, I have been active and have learned a lot.Through this process, I gradually learned how to think.


 Although I still have much to learn, this experience has taught me that even with uncertainties and challenges, it's essential to have a clear sense of "what I want to do" and "how we will do it." I've realized that turning the desire to create employment opportunities into reality requires self-initiative, planning, and consistent action.


 Moreover, I'm not good at relying on others. In this project, I often found myself not knowing even the basic things. However, whether it was setting prices at the market or finding local suppliers for goods, I would first research as best as I could, and when I approached people with my thoughts, many were genuinely willing to help. I tried to handle everything independently, we expanded our efforts by depending on the advice and insights of those around us. At one point, when some  members left to study abroad simultaneously, I had to run the project alone. I initially tried to power through with sheer determination, which left me exhausted. At the time,I also reached out for help from others so that I could prioritize tasks and overcome the challenges. Although I still struggle with relying on others, I believe it's a valuable skill I need to nurture in the future.


 Thank you for reading this far. I will continue to work diligently in the seminar and student organization projects.

 Thank you for reading!





Be their first true friend in Japan









私は、元々英語がとても苦手で、共通テストで受けた教科の中で最も点数が低かったのは英語という程、英語に対して苦手意識を持っていました。海外にあまり興味を持っておらず、嫌いというより、「使う場面もないし馴染みがないな」という感じでした。しかし、大学入学後に履修することになったEnglish Communication (以下、EC) の授業でその気持ちは変わりました。今まで、座って授業を受け、テストのために単語を覚える作業しかして来なかったのに、ECではなんと英語を「話す」のです。今まで、英語を実際に「話す」、「使う」ということをした事がなかった私にとって、授業で周りのみんながどんどん発言しコミュニケーションをとっているのは衝撃でした。それが、私が英語を「使う」ということに対する意欲を高めるきっかけになりました。















・外国人留学生エキスポ2023 スタッフ












Hello, everyone!


Thank you for always reading my blog.


My name is Rika Nakashima, a third-year student at Konishi seminar.

Today, I want to talk about my experiences of supporting international students.

Firstly, international interactions were completely uncommon to me when I first entered university. I used to struggle with English. It was my least favorite subject, and I had no interest in going abroad. However, my perspective changed by taking the EC (English Communication) class at university. Unlike the usual study methods , we were taught to actually "speaking" English. This experience of using English actively  in class became a turning point for me. It motivated me to seek more opportunities to use English, both inside and outside of school.


I started participating in various activities, such as international events. I  even studied abroad in the UK for six months during my second year. Meeting students who studies Japanese and making friends with them enlightened me. I returned home with a new purpose - to support international students studying in Japan, using my experience.

Here are some of the activities that I have been involved in:


[In School]

  • OST activities
  • KG Buddies
  • Coffee Hours
  • Summer Vacation Japanese Partners
  • Assistant for classes 
  • studying abroad for six months

[Outside of school]

  • The 3rd International Student EXPO staff
  • Interaction with students from Japanese language schools
  • Guiding exchange students to tourist spots
  • etc

I actively participated in various activities both on and off campus. Kwansei Gakuin University regularly announces many events and volunteer opportunities through CIEC. If you're interested, please consider joining!


To be honest, before studying abroad, I was self-centered, driven by my desire “to improve my English skills”. However, after my experience abroad, my goals shifted. My recent aim is to make international students enjoying their lives in Japan to its fullest, and creating the wonderful memories. My motto in all the support activities I engage in is, "I will be their first true friend in Japan!" Making friends in an unfamiliar environment, where language might be a barrier, is not easy. It takes courage to approach someone, especially when you don't have anyone to consult if you encounter problems. That's why I want to make an effort to reach out to them, hoping to be their first friend in Japan, someone they can talk to without hesitation.


Looking ahead, I have two goals in continuing my support for international students. Firstly, I want to organize events where  we can interact with each other. I hope to create affordable, culturally rich events like rice ball parties or green tea ceremonies, where students can easily participate. Secondly, I plan to take the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test, which is held once a year. While I don't plan to become a Japanese language teacher, I aim to acquire this qualification to effectively convey Japanese language and culture to foreign students in an understandable way.


I want to keep searching for ways to assist and help those who come to Japan to let them have a wonderful memories together.


~To be their first friend in Japan~

Thank you for reading!






大学生活でのターニングポイント/The turning point in my uni life

小西ゼミ4 年の今村祐望と申します。


私は元々高校時代に国際的な社会問題について興味関心があり、この学部に入学しました。入学後、友人と共に「HEROINE POWER」という発展途上国衛生プロジェクトを行っていました。

それまで国際政策に関してのみに深く関心があったのですが、大学2 年生の時に初めてメディア学科の「メディア制作演習(表現)」という授業を受講しました。この授業で10分間の映像作品とビジュアルポスターの制作を行いました。全てが初めての経験の中、試行錯誤しながら制作を行った結果、学内での合評会では映像作品・ビジュアルポスター両方において最優秀賞を頂く結果になりました。また「地方の時代」映画祭で奨励賞、東京ビデオフェステバルで入賞させて頂きました。この経験から特にデザインで人の心を動かす点に魅力を感じるようになりました。

デザイン分野に興味関心があった私は大学3 年生の時に、大学を1 年間休学しカナダに留学に行く決断をしました。

カナダのCOOP という制度を利用して、現地のカレッジでUIUX デザインコースを専攻に学びました。UIUX デザインとはユーザーが日常において抱える課題をデザインを通して解決を図り、ユーザー体験をより良くする分野です。異国の地で未経験・未就学の分野を学ぶということは簡単ではありませんでしたが、今までの勉強で最も楽しいと思える瞬間でした。最終プロジェクトでは現地企業と共同し、Web サイトのデザインを制作しました。有り難いことにBEST UIUX DESIGN PROJECT AWARD を頂くことができました。この1 年間で自分の専門性を磨くことができ、今後のキャリアについても非常に明確になりました。






Hi, everyone.
My name is Yumi Imamura and I am a fourth year student in the Konishi seminar.
Thank you for always reading the Konishi seminar blog.

This time, I would like to look back on my university life and talk about the turning points inmy life.

I was originally interested in international social issues when I was in high school. Afterentering the university, I worked on a developing country sanitation project called "HEROINE POWER” with my friends.

Until then, I had only been deeply interested in international policy, but when I was asophomore, I took a class in the Department of Media Studies called "Media Production Exercises (Expression)'' for the first time. In this class, we created a 10-minute documental video work and a visual poster. This was all a new experience for me, and as a result of a lot
of trial and error, we were able to win the top prize for both the video work and the visual poster at the campus competition. We also won the Encouragement Award at the "Local Times'' Film Festival and the Tokyo Video Festival. From this experience, I became particularly fascinated by the way designs can move people's hearts.

When I think about it now, taking this class was a turning point in my university life.
I was interested in the design field, so when I was my third year of university, I decided to take a year off from university to study abroad in Canada.

I took system of Canada's COOP program and majored in the UIUX design course at a local college. UIUX design is a field that aims to solve problems users face in their daily lives through design and improve the user experience. It wasn't easy to study in a field I had no experience
in or studied in a foreign country, but it was the most enjoyable moment of my studies so far. For the final project, we collaborated with a local company to create a website design. Thankfully, I was able to receive the BEST UIUX DESIGN PROJECT AWARD. Over the past year, I have been able to hone my expertise and my future career path has become very clear.

What I want to convey to you guys is that the experiences you have during your university life are all connected to form a single line. When I entered university, I never thought I would major in the field of design. However, many things I learned during my university life have led me to where I am today. I'm embarrassed to say this as I'm still immature, but I hope you'll gain as much experience as you can during your university life when you have time. I think that point will be connected in some way with later experiences!

Thank you for reading until the end.



























Hello, everyone!


Thank you for always reading our blog.


My name is Manaka Yamaguchi, a third-year student at Konishi seminar.


In the fall semester of second grade, I was sent to Nepal as a volunteer student. Since I was a high school student, I had wanted to visit developing countries on my own and to contribute to society in the field of international cooperation in the future, so I made it my goal to participate in this program since high school.


While there, I taught Japanese language and culture to elementary and junior high school students, and at the same time, I experienced a homestay for five months.

During the homestay, I experienced many things that I could not have in Japan. What left a particularly strong impression on me was living side by side with religion. In Japan, you don’t  live with a sense of religion unless you are conscious of it, but in Nepal, Hinduism is the state religion, about 80% of the population believes in it, so beef is not served at meals, there is a prayer time at school every day, and there were two major festivals during the period I was sent to Nepal, which caused them to take time off from work and school. 


In particular, at a festival called Dashain, I witnessed a goat being killed in front of my eyes as a sacrifice to God. Because it was being done right in front of my eyes, I was able to feel the importance of animal life and the importance of food again.  In addition, I only ate pork once in the five months I was there because meat itself, not just beef, is a luxury item.


Other than that, although Nepal is certainly economically poorer than in Japan, I can only be grateful to my host family and their relatives who gather with us every week and treat me, a volunteer, like a real family.

The way they treated the students as if they were their own children and the way the children learned Japanese with a sparkle in their eyes made me think a lot. I am grateful to my host family and their relatives who treat me like a real family even though I am here as a volunteer.


It has been a year since I was sent to Japan, and through this experience I have learned the importance of interacting with a variety of people, and I realize that this is what has helped me to grow as a person.

Thank you for reading!




