関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻










最後に私が印象に残ったお話について、書かせていただきます。それは仕事において大切なのは、10年先を想像し、何事にも興味・関心をもつことです。私自身、勉強や趣味などは関心のあるものばかりに目を向けてきました。しかし、様々なことに興味関心を持つことで新たな発見ができ、視野を広げることができるのではと考えました。また目の前のことだけに留まらず、長い目でみて行動に移していくことの大切さも実感できました。学生生活は残り約数ヶ月程ですが、総合政策学部生なりに多角的な学びを得ていこうと思いました。 今回このような機会をいただき、ゼミ生一同非常に良い学びを得ることができました。貴重なお話ありがとうございました!


以下、ゼミ生の本講演についての感想です!↓ *マーケティングだけでなく現地の住民としてのお話をお聞きすることができ、沢山の刺激をいただきました。女性の社会進出が比較的困難な文化を持つサウジアラビアで、女性が働きやすい環境を実現されている取り組みは画期的であり、世界中から企業や商品が支持される理由がわかりました。







Hello, everyone. I’m Yuna Kosaka from Konishi seminar from fourth year. Thank you for always reading this blog.

This time, I will write about international marketing study group which was held the other day.

On may 18, "International Business Marketing Study Group" was held for 3rd and 4th year students from Konishi seminar in zoom. This time, graduates gave us a lecture who was in school of policy studies and currently engaged in marketing at a consumer goods manufacturer in Saudi Arabia. The content of the lecture was about the local life, work environment and marketing, and finally, the questions and answers from the seminar students.

At first, he told about working environment and it was provided a great work environment for women. Until two years ago, women were not allowed going out without being accompanied by a man and driving either. For that reason, women’s social advancement is behind in Saudi Arabia compared to the other countries. For support women's social advancement, women-only factory and nursery were established where they work. Therefore, I was impressed that we are devising ways to create an environment where people can work regardless of gender even in a highly regulated environment.

Secondly, he gave us a clear explanation of what marketing is. I was impressed in his words was “Mind is more important than knowledge in marketing. " For example, there is a person who distributes flyers in the city. Most people tend to pass by, but marketers will receive flyers. The reason is that they think flyers can finish their work earlier if they distribute flyers. It is of course important to have a wealth of knowledge, but I realized once again that the ability to understand the potential needs of others is important. Also, I thought to be considerate is important not only for marketing but also for people.

Finally, let me write about his talk that left an impression on me. The important thing in work is to imagine 10 years into the future and have an interest in everything. I have been focusing on my studies and hobbies that I’m interested in. However, I thought that I could discover new things and broaden my horizons by getting interested in various things. I also realized the importance of taking action in the long run, not just in front of me. Student life is only left for a few months, but as a student of the Faculty of Policy Studies, I want to learn from various perspectives. All the seminar students learned a lot from this opportunity. We are really appreciated for your meaningful and valuable talk!


The impressions of the seminar students is as follows↓ *I was inspired by his lecture, because I could hear about not only marketing, but also his life as a local resident in Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia, women’s social advancement is relatively difficult compared to other countries, so I was impressed with a groundbreaking effort to organize the environment which is easy to work for women. I could understand why the company and products are loved by people from all over the world.

*He told us about difficulties to work in foreign country which has different religion and culture. I can imagine to work in foreign country by hearing about his real-life experience and way of thinking about his career.

*”Marketing is love.” I was impressed with this word. It was a good opportunity to think my future’s choice.

*I thought the most important thing to be an active person is “knowledge acquisition”. However, I could learn the “consideration for others” is more important from this lecture. To considerate others, I felt adapting local culture and investigation to attract customers’ interest are important. I want to be a thoughtful person when I communicate with people who have a different background or way of thinking.

*I could understand about a flow of marketing from proposing products to increase a regular customer. He told me that every product has a different concept which is effective for customers. From this word, I want to compare similar products carefully. In addition, he also told me that “Imagine 10 years into the future and have an experience in everything.” I learned an importance of devising a strategy from a past experience or idea. I will be conscious of that when I take one step forward.


Thank you so much for reading until the end.





