関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻




私は総合政策学部 国際政策学科 3年生の吉原愛実と申します。










・日本理事室理事長代理 田辺さんからADBの説明























Street childrenのフィールドワーク

  【Street childrenの現状】
フィリピンには国際NGOによると、約24万6千人のStreet childrenがいます。彼らの生活状況は3つに分類されます。路上で寝泊りしている子どもたち、日中は路上で働き、夜は家に戻る子どもたち、家族が全くいない子ども達です。働いている貧困層の子ども達は窓拭きをしたり、物を売ったりしてお金を稼いでいます。しかし、貧困層の子ども達が大金を持っていると身分不相応と判断され、その多くは大人達に取り上げられてしまいます。また、女の子だけでなく男の子も人身売買に巻き込まれて、お金を稼がなければならない子もいます。
【Child Hopeの子供達】
フィリピンでは沢山のNGOがありますが、中でも、 Child Hopeは支援の状況を数値として明確に出していて信頼性があり、貧困層の子ども達に対して現場で教えるEducaterとメンタルサポートをするSocial workerの二人体制で効果的なプログラムを行っているNGOです。子ども達は路上で生きていく上で精神的に追い詰められることがあるため、Social workerやEducaterは日常的なコミュニケーションの中で貧困層の子ども達との信頼関係を築き、精神面でのサポートをしています。
私たちはChild Hopeで5〜16歳までの貧困層の子どもたち約20人とアクティビティをしました。子ど達の中には英語を話せる子達もいました。これはフィリピンでは英語を話せる人と話せない人とで賃金や雇用に格差があり、話せないと仕事が得づらいという状況にあるためです。そのためChild Hopeでは英語教育を行なっており、他にも子ども達を守るための性教育や、衛生教育、お金の使い方などをカリキュラムとして組み込んでいます。
Street childrenの中には Child Hopeの支援後、ホテルの清掃や運転手、 Child Hopeのスタッフとして働いている子もいます。
「Smile for Children」というテーマで、フィリピンの貧困層の子ども達に楽しく幸せな思い出を作ってもらうことを目的として活動しました。アクテビティの中では、虹ができる仕組みを劇でわかりやすく説明したり、虹の五色の日本語名を教えました。その後のワークでは情操教育の一環として自分の笑顔や夢を描いてもらい、一つの大きな虹を完成させました。




卒業認定証書は、雇用主からの信頼を得て収入の良い職業に就いたり奨学金を得て大学に行ったりするのに必要不可欠です。授業では試験や就職に向け、数学や英語、コンピュータといった実用的な科目が学ばれていました。 子どもがいる20才の女の子、仕事をしながら通っている子など様々な境遇、年代の生徒が入り交じった教室でしたが、和気あいあいとした雰囲気で沢山の話をすることが出来ました。 その中で特に印象的に残ったことは、生徒たちは好奇心が強く、日本から来た私たちに強い関心を抱いてくれたこと、さらには各々が学校の先生やエンジニア、警察官など多種多様な夢を持っていたことです。 お互いに異なる言語をもつ同世代との今回の交流は彼らにとって、この学校で学んでいる英語をはじめとした知識を実践的に活用する機会でもありました。この体験を自信に変え、日々の学びへのモチベーションを向上させるきっかけとなる場を提供出来たのではないかと思います。 また、それと同時に、現在の決して裕福とはいえない生活の中で希望を見いだそうとしているひたむきな姿に、私たちも学ぶべきことがあると感じました。




  1995年に閉鎖されたスモーキーマウンテン(ゴミ山)に行きました。 閉鎖されてから時間が経ち、ゴミが土に変わり、一見土石が積もった山のように思えましたが、足元にはガラスや、金属、袋などが散乱しており、フィリピンにおけるゴミ処理の現状の悲惨さを実感しました。
ゴミ山の子ども達は前日に訪問したStreet childrenとは住んでいる環境や身なり、話せる言語に違いがありました。一見同じような貧困層の子供でも、実際は置かれている状況はかなり異なっており、貧困の中でもレベルの差が大きいことに私達は衝撃を受けました。


子供たちとの触れ合いやChinld Hopeの職員の方へのヒアリングを通して、日本での自分達の生活と彼らの生活との間に大きな差があることを改めて実感しました。
 Child Hope のホームページはこちら↓
Hello, everyone.
  My name is Ayumi Yoshihara, and I am 3rd year of Konishi Seminar student at Kwansei Gakuin University. Today, I’ll report the fieldwork in Philippines  in 2018.   【Main schedule】 Day1 Arriving at Philippine Preparation for the activities   Day2 Visiting Asian Development Bank ・ Briefing on ADB (Mr. Watanabe, Altenate Executive Director for Japan) ・Discussion with Japanese Staff of ADB ・Tour of ADB facilities ・Lunch with Japanese Staff of ADB Activity at Childhope   Day3 Research at Childhope Activitis at Sandiwaan Visiting Smokey mountain   Day4 Going back to Japan

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

We visited ADB in Philippines. ADB is the international development organization which aims at promoting economic growth and cooperation in Asia and Pacific Ocean and contribute to developing communities’ economic growth.
We could ask some questions to 3 Japanese staffs who works for education in South Asia, city development in East Asia, and accounting.
【About an exchange of opinions with ADB staff】
We listened to the speech from the three ADB staff, and we will show you what we remained impressive in particular.
We got some impressive opinions as an answer about the required ability and competency in working as an international civil servant, so we will introduce some of them.
・Ability to present specifically what the leader is expecting on projects as team members
・Ability to communicate calmly and clearly as a leader in working with people who are completely different in nationality and background(The calm communication that the staff think is attitude to listen to the other’s story collect and telling not to misunderstand )
・Ability of schedule management(All staff said this is a strength for Japanese)
At first glance, these competency seem easy. However, when it comes to do, there are many situations that we think difficult in our school life. For example ability of communicate clearly. In the discussion of our seminar, we have a problem that estimate own opinion easy to understand and understand one's feeling clearly.
We think that we should conscious of that when we act.
【Approach to sustainable environment】
There are three approach to environment in ADB.
Firstly, ADB has solar panels on the roof. They can cover around 4% of all electricity, and other 96% are covered by heat by means of steam that some factories emitted. These efforts can decrease the amount of CO2 because they are sustainable way and using renewable energy.
Secondly, it innovates a new technology that absorbs moisture in the air, filters them, and changes to drinkable water.
It also focuses on recycling through selling shredded papers to merchants.
We could learn about these kinds of efforts that ADB is doing for environmental issues.

Street children

【the  state of Street children】
According to the International NGO, Philippine is carrying approximately 246,000 street children. Their circumstances can be classified in 3. Street children who are spending their all time in the street, ones who stay at the street to work in the day, and who are abandoned by their families. Most of the street children working earns money by cleaning the window of the stopped car on the road, or selling products. However, most of their tips could be taken by the adults as if its undeserved. The trafficking in street children are also a serious issue. Not only girls, but also boys are been caught and forced to work.
【Children at Childhope】
Child Hope is NGO that has definite data and high reliability.
Child Hope do programs with educator and social worker. Educators teaches various lessons and social worker cares  mental of poor children. Because street children has psychological stress, it is important for them to receive supports from educator and social workers.
We interacted with about twenty poor children of the age of 5 to 16.
Because there are disparities of wage and employment between English speakers and non-English speakers, some of them can speak English. Therefore Child Hope is teaching English for street children. Father more educators are teaching sexuality, sanitary education to protect children and also they are learning how to spend money.
Some children after graduating Child Hope will get some jobs like drivers, cleaning staffs. One of them became an educator and working at Child Hope.
【About our Activities (Smile for children)】
Our goal was made children happy and giving an opportunity to make a good memory for them. In this activities, we taught how we can see the rainbow and the colors rainbow has in Japanese through we performing a play. After that, we made a big rainbow art together. Children were enjoyed drawing picture of their smiley faces.
Secondly, we showed a dance about the weather and danced together. We had a blessed time with children through the dance despite the language barrier.
At last, we gave presents of treats and handmade Japanese toy “Koma”. This is made of the cap of a plastic bottle. When we gave it to children, we told children to line up and have a Koma one of each. These rules tell children importance of following the rules and equality.   The NGO staffs said children looks having so much fun and happy compare to usual day. Children were full of smile, probably because they are luck of love from family and people around one, and we talked friendly with children. They enjoyed whole activities and also we had a great time as well.    

Visiting Sandiwaan

  We visited a school in philippines. students are over 14 year-old and before they go to the school, they dropped out their schools because of economic reason such as money. Why students go to the school is that they need high-school equivalencies.
This certification will be needed when students get good jobs which they can get high salaries, and also when they want scholarships. Student have classes of  math, english, computer, and so on. All class is for job-hunting and entrance examination of university or college.
Each students in the school have different backgrounds, for example, a 20 year-old girl have a child. In addition, their ages are not same, but we could feel that class have warm atmospheres and have good and fun conversations.
Among them, what impressed us most was that the students were very curious and interested in us having come from Japan, and each of them had various dreams for the future, for example, a teacher, an engineer, and a police man, and so on.
I thought this interaction between the people who were same generation and who had different native languages could bring motive toward daily learning to them with giving students confidence by making reconfirmation that they can use their knowledge studied in the school.
Furthermore, I felt there were many things we have to learn from their eager attitude trying to find hope in their poor life.

Smokey mountain

We went to Smoky mountain (a mountain made by garbage) which was closed in 1995.
Quite a lot of time passed since then.
It seemed like the garbage turned into earth and  a mountain with piled stones at first glance. However glasses, metal, and plastic bags were scattered at our feets. Then, we realize the misery of current situation of garbage disposal in Philippines.
There are many people who live in apartments that Philippines government built and houses built with garbage such as tin or wood around the Smoky Mountain.
 In addition, according to international NGO, there are about 100 community in top of  Smoky Mountain.It seems that people who live there make a living by raising crops, selling them, picking up garbage and going to sell it.
They were different from the street children whom I visited on the day before in environment and the appearance that lived, a language to be able to talk about.
Though it was children of the similar poor, the put situation was different, and we were shocked by a level varying in poverty. However, we watched many smiles and were able to hear a dream in such a life.
Through interviews with children and interviews with Child Hope staff, We realized that there is a big difference between lives in Japan and their lives.
Also, while the government's support is lacking, various actors are providing assistance, but We think that it is far from solving problems. We not only supported NGO organizations and others but also felt that government assistance was even more necessary.
In this activity we reviewed the question and investigation result that we held and investigated the feasibility of the policy to solve the poverty problem currently being addressed at the research fair to be held in November at the university, We want to announce it.
Thank you for reading.