関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻




フィリピンでは、Philippine Business for Social Progress(PBSP)というNGO団体でインターンをしています。 PBSPは、企業や政府と連携してプロジェクトを企画・運営し、フィリピンの貧困削減と持続的発展に貢献しています。

私の主な業務は、PBSPの活動を日本企業に紹介したり、廃棄物処理問題についてリサーチをしたり、と多岐に渡ります。 上手くいかないこともありますが、毎日充実した日々を過ごしております。

先月は、PBSPのスタッフに日本文化を体験してもらおうと七夕祭りを行いました。 コンセプトは「パスポートとビザなしで日本文化を体験」。知識を提供するのではなく体験を提供することにこだわりました。

イベント当日は、ムービーを通してみんなに七夕伝説について理解してもらい、七夕の飾りを折り紙で作ったり、短冊に願い後を書いたりしました。願い事は、家族の健康や幸せを願うものがとても多かったです。国境を超えても人々の願いは変わらないんですね。 そして最後は、みんなで素麺を食べました。冷たい麺はフィリピン人にとっては新鮮だったらしく、みんな驚きながらも美味しそうに食べてくれました。 準備はとても大変でしたが、企画して本当に良かったです。




  Hello, everyone, and thank you for visiting this blog. My name is Rinko Nikaido, junior student in the Konishi seminar.

I have been studying abroad in the Philippine since this April. Today, I would like to write about episode of my study abroad.

I am doing internship at the Philippine Business for Social Progress(PBSP), the international NGO in the Philippine. PBSP creates sustainable solution to social problem and contributes to poverty reduction and sustainable development in the Philippine.

There are variety of tasks in here, for example, raising awareness of PBSP activities among Japanese companies, or observing solid waste management problem. Sometimes, I cannot do it at my pleasure, but I am satisfied everyday.

In the beginning of the July, I conducted an event called “Tanabata Festival”. The concept of the event is “Travel to Japan without PASSPORT and VISA”. I plan to make the event not only PBSP employees to know more about the Japanese culture, but also for them to experience it.

First, I showed the movie and explained what is Tanabata Festival. After that, participants played the origami and made some decorations. Then, they wrote the wishes on the colorful paper strips and hang them up on the bamboo tree. Many people wish their happiness like a Japanese people, so I thought people’s wish are same even they are living in different country. Finally, participants and I ate Japanese traditional noodle, called “Somen”. Somen is not common dishes for Filipino people, but they ate it with smily face, so I was very happy. Preparing for this event was very hard, but I was very glad to hold on the Tanabata Festival.

In addition, I participated many activities except PBSP’s one, for example, Filipino Yoga class and NGO volunteer works. It is good opportunity to expand my community in the Philippine.

I only left one month to staying here, so I will do my best for having good time.

Thank you for reading.