関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻

3年生ブログ 自己紹介2






  1. 名前:吉原愛実


2. 出身/出身校:大阪/住吉高校



3. 趣味:俳句



4. 今まで頑張ったこと:英語のディベート大会



  1. ゼミでの抱負や目標








Hello, everyone, and thank you for visiting this blog.


My name is Ayumi Yoshihara.

Today, I would like to introduce myself.


1. Name: Ayumi Yoshihara


2. Place of Birth / High school:

Osaka/ Sumiyoshi High School

I live in Osaka, so it takes almost 2 hours to go to school every day. There is a Sumiyoshi shrine that is a famous shrine with more than 1800 years history near my house. I look forward to going a summer festival of the shrine every year.


3. Interest: haiku, one of the Japanese poems.

A good point of haiku is that it can express beauty by only short words. I respect Shiki Masaoka. I often make haiku with 17 words when I go to trip and when I feel something strongly in daily life. I note those haiku on my smartphone, and I sometimes look back and improve them.


4. What I put my effort the most: Debate competition in English

My high school had speech and debate competitions in English. It was difficult to listen to the arguments of the other side in English and talk back logically, but we could argue against the other group’s any claims thanks for studying every day and preparing enough with my group members. There are a lot of hard time because there are students who grew up overseas in the other group, yet I could get precious experiences.


5. My Goals in This Seminar:

I spent this past few months with a hope that I want to be a most cooperative student in my seminar because I will study abroad in Taiwan for one year from this fall semester and I have less time to join in this seminar. I have a goal of supporting this seminar from behind the scenes. At first, I helped group work by giving new idea from different point of view and taking step back to consider all options. However, I realized that we have some problems about how to make use of each characteristic, how to improve member’s motivation, and how to promote discussion. There is also a problem that we tend to work individually. Then I convinced that my action which I had took was not enough. I am not a person who leads others, but I can listen to member’s opinion individually and work as a bridge. I will support this seminar as a coordinator by not only focusing on own work, but by paying attention to other members.


Thank you for reading.