関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻







私情ではありますが、私はジェンダー学、中でもLGBTQI(性的マイノリティ)に関することに興味を持っています。その理由は、自分の性別や性的指向を否定されることは耐え難いことであり、当事者には何の罪はないと思ったからです。私は、性別や性的指向は生まれてから死ぬまでずっと自分のそばにあるもので、アイデンティティを確立する1つだと考えています。そのことを家族や親友や社会に受け入れてもらえないことは、どんなに辛いことだろうと思いませんか?また、彼らが性的マイノリティであることで何かこちらに不都合なことがあるでしょうか… では、私たちは何をすればいいのか?と質問が出ると思いますが、私の答えはシンプルに理解を示すことだと思います。こんな性的指向をもった人がいるんだなあ!と受け入れる心さえあれば良いと思います☺︎ まだまだ勉強は足りませんが、今の日本にとって必要なことは、LGBTQの知識を増やし彼らを理解すること、日本全体で問題意識を持ち、行動をおこすことだと考えます。私もこのブログやゼミでの活動を通して、自分の周りの人々に何かしらの情報を発信できればと考えてます。また、このブログを読んで少しでもLGBTQIについて関心をもっていただけたら光栄です。


小西ゼミのインスタグラムアカウントは @kg_konishiseminar です! 


Hello, everyone always see this blog! 

I'm Reito Wakabayashi of 3rd grade from Konishi seminar.

It's kind of sudden, yet you might know the news which a low of same-sex marriage is passed a bill on 17th of May in Taiwan and it's also first in Asia!! 

This news must have big impact on all of asian countries. Japan is certainly one of them though. Until now, legalization of same-sex marriage might promote in only European and American countries. For this reason, Japan has never considered seriously about it just because of difference from western's opinion. 

However, Japan has to be aware to legalize same-sex marriage thanks to permission of same-sex marriage in Taiwan! 

Thus, it would be unavoidable issue for Japan, and it's strongly necessary for Japan to be close the conception of equal I think.

Personally, I'm interested in queer study, especially about LGBTQI.  The reason why I’m interested in that is it is very unendurable not to be accepted own sexuality and sexual orientation. Moreover, people concerned are totally innocent. I think that sexuality and sexual orientation which establish own identity are inseparable from birth and till death. What if it’s not be accepted by family, friends, and society, how tough it is!  Also, what kind of problem will happen if they just are being who they are? Then, you might suppose what we should do. My answer is really simple, just showing the understanding like having big enough heart accepting wide range of sexuality and sexual orientation.

I definitely need to study more about that, but I'd say what Japanese need now are that increasing the knowledge of LGBTQI and understanding them. Besides, becoming aware of LGBTQI issue despite whether you are involved or not. Then, taking actions!

 I'd like to spread information of LGBTQI for people around me through this blog and seminar's activities. I'm very glad if you have interest about LGBTQI even if it's a little after reading this blog.

Thank you for reading this until the end. 

Here is Konish seminar's instagram account! @kg_konishiseminar 

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