関学総政 小西尚実ゼミ

関西学院大学 総合政策学部 国際政策学科 小西尚実ゼミ生によるブログです🌻











Hello, everyone!


Thank you for always reading our blog.


My name is Kasumi Yamagata, a third-year student at Konishi seminar.

This time, I would like to write about how I was able to grow through volunteer activities, which I have put the most effort into during my university life.

I belong to two event management organizations now. They are the "Gakuen Marche Team," which regularly holds marches in Gakuen Area of Sanda City, Hyogo Prefecture and the "Woody Town Festival Executive Committee," which hosts a festival once a year in the Woody Town district of Sanda City. So far, I have participated in event management for a total of 5 times, including 4 Gakuen Marche events and 1 Woody Town Festival.

 In this activity, I feel so happy when management members, exhibitors, and visitors say, ''You helped me a lot.'' I started this activity for myself because I wanted to talk with more people and do volunteer work, but as I received many words of gratitude from those around me, a strong desire that I want to become more involved in and contribute to this team as a member of the management team.

Since then, I have kept in mind to attend regular meetings surely and fully understand the matters decided at those meetings. Various actors are involved in events, such as the government, neighborhood associations, and chambers of commerce. And when I first joined, I was mostly unaware of the relationships among them and how our team approached them. However, I gradually began to understand the position and background of the organization I belong to, and now I can participate in meetings with my own ideas toward the organization's goal of ”revitalizing the region.”

In addition, there are many situations where university learning and group activities are connected, such as the policy-making process, the relationship between local communities and government, and finance. When I learned how what the professor said or what was written in the textbook happened in actual local activities, I became more interested in local policies and the ideal relationship between prefectures/cities and neighborhood associations.

Through these volunteer activities, I developed a strong interest in town development, and it also became clear to me what I wanted to study during my university years. In the future, I would like to continue to participate in event management while having my opinion as a student, and also, I would like to deepen the knowledge that will be useful for these activities.


 Thank you for reading!












今回、私は 3年間活動しているアイセックという海外インターンシップを運営する学生団体      で学んだことについて話します。




















Hello, everyone!


Thank you for always reading our blog.


My name is Ayane Kasai, a third-year student at Konishi seminar.


Today, I am going to talk about AIESEC, a student organization that runs international internships, in which I have been a member for three years.

There are many things I have learned from AIESEC, but I would like to talk about the lesson that "in order to achieve something, you need to keep facing your weaknesses”.


I have been working in the Division of Incoming Exchange in order to achieve the goal of "delivering an experience where all people can realize their full potential”.

Incoming Exchange is AIESEC members who support overseas students in their internship programs in Japanese companies. Through these internships, students from overseas can develop their leadership skills. In addition, Japanese companies can promote internal revitalization. In this way, Incoming Exchange can deliver value to both of them.


To achieve these goals, I took on two main challenges.

The first was to conduct my sales to Japanese companies. In order to do the Incoming Exchange, I had to conduct sales to Japanese companies.

I did not have the sales skills or the ability to respond flexibly. Therefore, I practiced sales with my seniors, watched videos of sales on YouTube and imitated them, set a goal every day, and made a tele-appointment with the courage to achieve it. As a result, I was able to conduct business meetings with several companies.

Second, I decided to candidacy for the position of the local committee president. At the time, the committee had few members and it was difficult to run the internships. Therefore, I decided to candidacy for the position of president so that I could solve the problems of the organization and run the internships.

Although I had passion, I was not a very logical thinker and could not get the members to understand the plans I had come up with.

So I read some books on logical thinking and got feedback from my seniors.

Consequently, I could not become a president, but now, as a vice president, I am able to work with the members to prepare for the operation of the Incoming Exchange.


To be honest, it was difficult for me to face my weaknesses. However, I was able to work hard for what I wished to achieve. As a result, some things didn't succeed, but the next time I tried to do something, I found that I was able to do something that I had never been able to do before. Thus, I am glad that I tried so hard at that time.


From now on, I would like to take on new challenges for what I want to achieve, making use of what I have learned so far.

 Thank you for reading!





マレーシアに滞在して気付いた大事なこと / An important thing I realized after staying at Malaysia











派遣当初、私は初めての海外生活に凄く戸惑いました。日常会話が自分の全く知らないマレー語で行われ、会話に入っていけない。シャワーを浴びようとすると水しかでない。ヤモリが入りたい放題の家。気付いたら、ベッドに糞を落とされる… こんなところで5ヶ月間もやっていけるのかと不安に思いました。









Hello, everyone!


Thank you for always reading our blog.


My name is Kohana Terada, a third-year student at Konishi seminar.

The international contribution activity is a program at my university, where a student goes to developing countries and works there for five months. I participated in an environmental protection NGO in Malaysia. This NGO manages a vast natural park with mangrove forests, and I was working for the management of those. My job descriptions involved  mangrove planting and cleaning sites, assisting with environmental education events, and serving customers at the ticket counter.


At the beginning of my dispatch, I was very confused. Conversations between local people were conducted in Malay, and I could not join in the conversation. When I turned on the shower, only cold water came out. The house was full of geckos and they were dropping feces on my bed... I was worried about whether I could live five months in Malaysia.


One day, my boss called out to me, "Kohana! Why are you looking like that? Are you feeling unwell?" At the moment, I realized that my negative emotions had been overflowing. At this time, I had lost my aims of why I came here and what kind of person I wanted to be.


The reason I came here is to learn what skills are necessary to be active in the international society. Also, what kind of person I want to be is an attractive person like who is glad to have met me. I realized an important thing is now, not the future. I don’t have to care about the future too much.


From then on, no matter what negative emotions I have, I always think about how I want to be perceived by others, and I consider every word, action, and attitude at that moment. After that, I talked more with my boss and Malaysian friends. They taught me a lot about Malaysian culture, and helped me. On the day I returned home, my friend saw me off at the airport, and we cried as we said goodbye to each other.


From this experience, I thought about how I wanted to be perceived by others “now”. Also, I wanted to be an attractive person who could come up with nice words and attitudes.

Thank you for reading!








































Hello, everyone!


Thank you for always reading our blog.


My name is Yukari Kimura, a third-year student at Konishi seminar.


I would like to express lessons from my early graduation.


I made up my mind to graduate early in May of my third year, and at first I had no idea that I would even be able to pass the graduate school entrance exam and complete early graduation.


In retrospect, it was a time of intense pressure to complete my graduation paper, pass the graduate school entrance exam, and obtain the credits required for graduation, all of which almost pushed me over the edge.


To be honest, until I saw the words "passed" and "confirmed graduate," I was not at all relaxed. It was a very tough year mentally, as if I was walking through a long, dark tunnel with no end in sight.


I learned lessons during such a year.


That is to boldly take on challenges without fear, and to have a heart that will not give up.

I believe that overcoming obstacles, even when you think it may be impossible, is the key to accomplishing anything.


When I am too busy and burnt out, I have come to feel, especially in the past year, that it is important to face myself and keep challenging myself, because I am the one who ultimately sets the limits.


In order to jump high, you need to crouch low.

When you are having a hard time, you are now in a crouching state, and if you can overcome this, you can jump high.


Also, if you compare what you want to accomplish to the top of a mountain, it may be tough on the way up, but there is a wonderful view at the end of the climb.


What I am trying to say is that even if the present is hard, remember to look ahead, and you will see a new view after accomplishing something that is not simple or easy.


It is hard to keep working on something because no one knows the outcome, but the future will change depending on your determination to keep working hard and not give up.


That is why I would like to continue to value taking on challenges and continuing to work on them without giving up.


I will keep in mind what I have learned over the past year and devote myself to making even greater strides in my new environment.


Thank you for reading!





自分でつかんだチャンス / Opportunities gotten by myself











 私は先日、オランダに行きました。オランダに行った理由は、高校時代に大学の進学先として考えていた場所を自分の目で見てみたかったことと、オランダでプラスチック回収を行っている団体に連絡し、活動に参加させてもらうことになったからです。また、滞在期間中にEpic Amsterdamという音楽関係の会社の方々とお話しさせていただく機会もありました。


 また、音楽面では自分自身が音響、DJをしていたため世界最高峰の演出チームがあるSTMPD RCRDSのライブを実際に目にすることができたり、Epic Amsterdamの方々とSNSを使って音楽をどのように人気にして、アーティストにファンを定着させるかなどの戦略や、日本市場の重要性についての話をすることができたりと貴重な経験をさせてもらいました。実際に機材に触れる場面もあり、失敗をしないための徹底的な準備や演出における音響や照明の最適な位置の調整などレベルの高い環境を見て、ショーを行うにあたっての熱意を感じました。



 Hi, everyone. I went to the Netherlands. The reason I went to the Netherlands is that I wanted to see with my own eyes the place I was thinking of going to university when I was in high school, and I contacted them many times to volunteer for an organization that collects plastics in the Netherlands. I had the opportunity to talk with people from Epic Amsterdam, a music-related company, during my stay. As for what I thought about the Netherlands, there were many things that were very different from Japan, and I was shocked to see the lives of the local people, such as the legality of cannabis and the openness to sexuality and most of the stores were cashless. While I was shocked, I was allowed to participate in the activities of an organization that collects plastics. The organization did not allow individual basis to participate as a volunteer, so I contacted them many times and got their consent. In the Netherlands, there are many trash cans placed in the city, and it seems that garbage rarely flows out into the river. But even so, garbage may be littered by some tourists with bad manners, and if it flows out into the sea, it will be caught in plastic soup and wind farms installed in the sea, which is a problem in the North Sea. In order to solve the problem, it was a method of using foam to stop plastic from flowing into the sea as a way to collect plastic without changing the environment of the river. In fact, when I saw the site, the sound of the compressor was quiet and did not disturb the neighbors. It was a sustainable system by using renewable energy. We discussed whether this system, which functions in the environment of a Dutch canal, could be used in Japan, but we came to the idea that it would be difficult to introduce it considering the short and vigorous flow that is characteristic of Japan's rivers, and I felt that I lacked flexible thinking because I could not think of a way to introduce it in Japan while participating in the activity.


 Also, in terms of music, I watched the live performance of STMPD RCRDS, which has the world's best production team.I was a sound and DJ myself, and I had a valuable experience talking with the people at Epic Amsterdam about strategies such as how to make music popular and retain fans for artists with using SNS, and the importance of the Japan market. I was able to actually touch the equipment, and I felt the enthusiasm for the show by witnessing the high-level environment, such as careful preparation to avoid mistakes and adjusting the optimal position of sound and lighting in the production. 

 I gained a lot of experience by making contacts and creating opportunities on my own. There was too much to write about here. I actually saw activities in an environment with a different standard, I felt the high level of the world, Japan's lag, and the difficulty of actually doing it even if Japan tried to emulate it. My perspective was narrow, and I had many points of reflection that I still lacked flexible thinking. There were times when I received compliments, but there were times when my English pronunciation was poor and I couldn't convey the content, which broke my heart. I tried not to show English in texts, but I had to use it to convey it without being able to convey it no matter how I said it, and I felt that I was lacking in ability. So I thought that I needed to rethink how I would study English in the future and work on it. Based on the feedback and the words I received from the people involved, I would like to look at myself objectively, reflect on the experience I gained in the Netherlands, and connect it to my future activities and career.

Thank you for reading!






GCaP(Global Career Program)について







今回、私はGCaP(Global Career Program)について話します。






Hello, everyone!


Thank you for always reading our blog.


My name is Kazune Furuse, a third-year student at Konishi seminar.


Today, I would like to explain about GCaP.


GCaP(Global Career Program)  is a university-sponsored program where participants receive guidance from instructors with diverse practical experience. There are three reasons why I chose to participate in this program. First, I had an interest in international issues and get the opportunity to directly engage with instructors who had backgrounds working at the United Nations or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Second, I believed that participating in this program would provide me with numerous opportunities to use English and enhance my English language skills. Third, I wanted to connect with conscientious students.

One particularly challenging aspect of this program was keeping up with the GCaP exercises. This class, starting from the second year, featured different instructors lecturing on their respective fields every week. Each session involved distributing English materials beforehand, followed by a lecture and the assignment of a report afterwards. As someone who struggled with English, even reading the pre-class materials was difficult for me, and I couldn't participate in class discussions. Especially considering that most of my peers were proficient in English and expressed their opinions fluently, I felt a constant sense of inferiority and impatience. It was mentally challenging, but I remember not wanting to give up on something I had started with a goal in mind. Despite the time-consuming process of reading the materials, I dedicated time each day to gradually look up unfamiliar words and attend the class.

Ultimately, my resistance to reading English papers decreased, and my opportunities to speak during class increased. In GCaP, I gained the experience of striving towards and achieving goals while challenging myself alongside my peers. Moving forward, I aim to remain conscious of the importance of facing challenges without giving up.

Thank you for reading!





フラットな目線で / From perspective without any preconseptions

小西ゼミブログをご覧の皆様、こんにちは! 23/24期最後の執筆を任されました、小西ゼミ4年生の寺本壮志朗です。

今回は、私がこれから実行することをここで宣言します。 それは、「フラットな目線で物事を考える」です。

誰しもが食わず嫌いなものがあったり、一方からの情報だけを見て、全体像を理解したような気になって しまうことがあるのではないでしょうか。

1つは、友人の交際関係でのトラブル。 友達から相談を受けた際、彼には非がなく、相手の方が悪い印象を受けました。 しかし後々聞くと、双方に問題があり、交際相手の行動もおかしくはないと思いました。

対立する意見がある場合、どちらか一方の情報や発言だけを理解して物事を判断することは、危ないこ とだと感じた瞬間でした。

2つ目に、友人に向けられた偏見を 述べたいと思います。 私の友人にこんな人がいます。




ある時、彼と仲良くなる機会がありました。 確かに素行は悪く、酒癖も悪い。 ただ私が感じたのは、彼は彼自身のの芯がある人でした。 義理人情も持ち合わせており、噂だけの悪い人ではないと感じました。

人の意見も大切ですが、噂だけでは自分に合うものも合わないものも、見て確かめなければわからない ものです。

百聞は一見に如かずという言葉がありますが、どんなことでも始める前には、 まずフラットな目線で物事を考えることが重要だと、この4年間で感じました。

そうすると、あらゆる物事に対して冷静に、かつ客観的に判断できるようになると思います。 大学卒業後は、この「フラットな目線で」という言葉を胸に頑張っていきたいと思います。

最後に、小西ゼミの後輩の皆さん、就職活動を含め、将来のことが不安な人もいるかもしれません。 失敗は出来るだけ避けたいと思う人も多いと思います。


失敗から学びを得られることを 経験しておきながらも、 挑戦し、失敗することを恐れていました。
その時は、恥ずかしいかもしれないけど、数か月後、数年後には、笑い話にしてしまうくらい 成長できると私は思っています。
これからの皆さんの活動を応援しています!! 頑張ってください。






Hello to all Konishi Seminar Blog readers!
I have been assigned to write the last entry for the 23/24th term. I am Sojiro Teramoto, a fourth-year student at Konishi Seminar.

In this issue, I am going to implement what I am going to do. It is seeing things without any preconceptions .

We all have things we don't like to try, or we may think we understand the whole picture by looking at information from only one side
I have some examples that I felt that way.

One is a problem in a friend's dating relationship.
When I asked for advice, I had the impression that he was not at fault and that she was worse off.
However, when I heard about it later, I realized that there were problems on both sides. I could understand that there was a problem on both sides.

When there are opposing views, it was a moment when I felt it was dangerous to judge things based only on the information and statements of one side or the other.

I also have this experience.
He is one of my friends.
"He's a bad person to be around.”
”If you get involved with him, you will lose all your friends.”

He was the kind of person who was full of rumors like that.
Oneday, I had the opportunity to get to know him.
He certainly had a bad behavior and a bad drinking habit.
But what I felt was that he was a strong-willed person.
He also had a sense of duty and humanity, and I felt that he was not a bad person just because of rumor.


 People's opinions are important, though,rumors alone, what works for you and what doesn't.

There is a saying that "Seeing is Believing”, I have felt over the past four years that it is important to first think about things from a flat perspective in order to implement them.
I believe that this will enable us to judge all things calmly and objectively.

After graduating from university, i will always keep it in my mind and want to do my best.

Finally, to the juniors of Konishi Seminar, some of you may be anxious about your future, like job hunting.
You may fail and fall behind.
However, what I regret the most is, i have not made so many mistakes so far. While I experienced that we can learn from our failures, I was afraid to try and fail.
At the time, it might be embarrassing,months or years later, you'll laugh about it.


This blog will be the last blog written by our grade. 
Through writing blog, we were able to reflect on our own experiences and learn deeply about the thoughts of our seminar members, which was a valuable experience.

Thank you for reading!